Chapter 16

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Before Mia even opened her eyes in the morning the sounds of waves filled her ears. She opened her eyes and she could see them. She could feel Bruno's arms wrapped around her and it made her smile. She remembered that after their heated session they had gotten dressed and ended up making a couple more s'mores. Then they had put everything away and Bruno wrapped her in his arms and covered her up with the portion of the blanket they weren't laying on and sang to her. That's how she'd fallen asleep. She thought back to her life before Bruno. If someone had told her she would be this happy one day, she wouldn't have believed it. Life before Bruno was....dark. Not a day went by that she wasn't thankful he came into her life. She didn't know what she had done to deserve him, but she was so grateful she had him. "I love you so much Bruno" she whispered.

"I love you too baby girl" she heard Bruno's voice in her ear.

Startled she moved and turned to face him and smiled. Bruno smiled back. "Good morning beautiful" he said to her.

"Good morning. How long have you been awake?" Mia asked him.

"A while. I didn't want to wake you and besides, I've missed holding you" Bruno answered.

Mia's smile widened. "Well I've missed you holding me."

Bruno smiled and kissed her forehead. "Let's go get some breakfast and then we can head back home and get cleaned up. How does that sound?"

Mia kissed his nose. "Sounds perfect."

They gathered their things and went and had breakfast at a cute little mom and pop shop in the area. Then they made the journey back to Jaime's. When they arrived Jaime was playing with Marley in the front yard. Marley ran up to Bruno and hugged him and Bruno swooped him up in his arms. "Hey buddy! Did you miss me?" Mia smiled at their interaction then she heard Jaime's voice.

"How was your date?" Jaime asked.

Mia looked at her and smiled. " was perfect."

"I bet. You guys both look very happy. I'm really glad you came to visit him" Jaime said.

"Me too" Mia said.

Authors Note: I'm sorry it took my long to update. I had been doing good for a few days and planned to keep the updates coming but I had some health issues that led me to be hospitalized and well that sort of monopolized my time. I am definitely going to try to stay on the updating. For all of you that are still reading, thank you so, so much! I appreciate all the votes and the comments. They keep me motivated to keep writing so please vote and comment.

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