Chapter 31

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Mia walked inside after her long work day. She placed the envelope on the table then made her way into the kitchen to make something to eat for her and Elijah. She could hear the shower running which meant he would be getting ready for work soon. It wasn't long before she heard his footsteps coming down the hallway.

"Hey uncle Eli!" she greeted him as he entered the dining area.

"Hey Mia" Eli said.

Mia smiled. "I made spaghetti, you hungry?"

Eli shook his head. "Not at the moment. I'll just take some to work with me. Did you get the results?" He knew she was stalling.

Mia looked over to the table and nodded. "Okay. I'll pack some up...... and... I did get them. They're positive. He's my father."

Elijah nodded his head and walked towards her. "Well I'm happy for you Mia. I know this means a lot to you. Please don't think that you can't be happy about this around me."

Mia smiled and hugged him. "Thank you uncle Eli. That means a lot." She pulled away and kissed his cheek. "I wanted to talk to you about something actually. He wants me.... us.... he wants us to come to LA so he can tell his family about me and we can meet everyone. He said to talk to you about it and let him know when we can come and he will take care of everything. Would you be against that?"

Eli gave her a small smile. "If that's what you want to do, we can do it." Those we're the words he spoke, but deep down he didn't want to go. He didn't want to go meet the people that would be taking Mia from him. He wanted her to stay there in Hawaii with him. Mia beamed at him and hugged him. He loved that she was happy, but the reason for her happiness killed him.

"Thank you uncle Eli. When should I tell him we can come?" Mia asked him.

"I'm off Friday. We can leave Friday Morning and return Sunday night. I don't have to be back to work until Monday night." Elijah said to her.

She hugged him again. "Thank you uncle Eli! I'll let him know right away." She went to her purse to get the cell phone Gabriel had gotten her.

"Mia.... before you do that. Check the flights. I will pay for us to get there and back. I don't want him to spend his money on us. I can't take care of that myself." Elijah said.

Mia furrowed her eyebrows. "But uncle Eli...."

Eli put this finger up to stop her from talking. "No buts. I don't want them to think that we are talking advantage of them in any type of way Mia. Just because he's rich does not mean we should let him pay for everything."

Mia nodded. "Okay uncle Eli. You're right. I'll look into the flights right away." 

Mia called the airport and told Eli what they had available for Friday and then Eli took over and booked the flight. While he did that Mia went into the kitchen and put some spaghetti in a bowl that he could take for lunch and prepared his lunch bag.

"Okay Mia, we are all set. Our flight will leave at 7AM on Friday. We will work on getting a hotel when we get there." Elijah said to her.

"Okay uncle Eli. Thank you for doing this for me. I really appreciate it." She walked up to him and hugged him again. "I love you."

Elijah hugged her tight. "I love you too Mia, so, so much!"

They pulled away and she grabbed his lunch box and handed it to him. "I know you have to go now. Make sure you eat." Mia said to him.

"I will" Eli said as he took the lunch box from her.  He wondered how many more days like this he had left. How many more days she would be here with him to send him off to work. How many more days he had left with her being here in Hawaii with him. Now that she had her dad, who lived in Los Angeles, there was nothing stopping her from picking up and going to live there to be closer to him and to Bruno.


Mia cleaned up the kitchen then took a shower. She sat on the sofa next to her purse, pulled out her phone and opened the text box to type out a message to Gabriel. "Hey Dad! Uncle Eli and I booked our flight to LA. We will leave at 7AM. We will be there around 3:30PM your time. We'll figure out a hotel once we are there and I'll let you know. See you soon." She hit send and called Bruno.

"Hello!" Jaime answered.

"Hey Jaime! Is Bruno around!" Mia asked.

"Yes. Hold on let me get him for you." She heard Jaime pull away from the phone. "Bruno, its Mia!" Then she came back to the phone. "By the way, I'm so happy for you Mia." Jaime said to her.

"Thank you Jaime. I'm happy too." Mia said.

"Here's Bruno." she said and within seconds Bruno's voice was on the phone.

"Hey beautiful!" he said.

"Hey babe! I just wanted to tell you that Uncle Eli and I will be there Friday afternoon. Or flight will leave here at 7AM." Mia told him happily.

"That's great baby girl! I can't wait to see you again! Is Eli okay with all of this." He asked her.

Mia was silent for a moment. "He's.... he's holding up well but I can tell he's taking it pretty hard. I feel bad for being happy about finding my dad."

She heard Bruno sigh on the other end of the line. "Baby don't, don't beat yourself up about this. You have every right to be happy about finding your dad Mia. Don't you feel bad about that. Eli will be fine, it's just fresh baby. Everything will be okay."

Bruno always knew how to calm her down. "Okay baby. You're right. I love you and I can't wait to see you." She blew him a kiss into the phone.

Bruno blew her a kiss back and let out a chuckle. "I love you too baby girl."

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