Chapter 68

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Mia was quiet the whole ride. Jonah didn't want to say anything because he didn't know what to say. When they arrived he got out and opened her door. "Do you want me to help you with anything?" He finally asked breaking the silence.

"No. I'm just going to get a few things and go stay at a hotel for tonight then go from there." She was quiet for a moment then she looked up at him. "J, please don't say anything to anyone about this. I don't want anyone to know."

Jonah nodded his head. "Of course. I won't say anything."

Mia stepped up to hug him. "Thank you J."

Jonah hugged her back. "Mia, there's something I have to tell you."

She pulled away and looked up at him. "What is it?"

He ran both hands through his slick hair. "I know her. That Natalie girl."

Mia's eyes went wide. "You do?"

Jonah nodded his head. "Yeah. I ummm. I actually kind of dated her before. She ummm. She kind of has a tendency to go after guys with money. I'm not surprised she targeted someone like Bruno." He shook his head. "I'm just surprised..." he let his sentence trail off.

"You're just surprised he did what he did. Yeah, me too. It really doesn't matter if she target him like you say or not though. Bruno is grown and he had a choice. I'm sure no one forced him into anything. That's his problem, not mine. Thank you for telling me though. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

Jonah nodded. "Yeah, okay Mia. Call me if you need anything."

Mia nodded too. "I will. Thank you J."

Mia walked into the house she shared with Bruno. A house that was supposed to be their home, but she could no longer call it that. Just this morning it was a perfect home to her, now everything felt foreign. She walked into the bedroom and grabbed her suitcase and started filling it with some of her essential things. She just wanted to get out of there before Bruno got there. She walked over to her jewelry box and took out the key shaped necklace Bruno had given her all those years ago placing it on top of the dresser. Tears rolled down her cheeks for the first time that night. "No point in holding on to the key to your heart when I obviously don't have it anymore!" She said out loud but to herself. She placed the small jewelry box in her suitcase and zipped it up. As she was headed to the living room she heard the front door close and sighed. She knew it couldn't be anyone else but Bruno and she really didn't want to see him. She wiped her face thankful that she always chose to use waterproof mascara and eyeliner. When she made it into the living room Bruno was standing there looking at her. She looked away from him and made her way towards the door to grab her keys and her purse.

"You're not even going to talk to me?"

She stopped and turned to look back at him. "There's nothing to talk about. You made it pretty clear you didn't want me here if I left with Jonah." She grabbed her keys.

"Obviously I was just talking because I was upset Mia. You think I want you to leave me? Are you serious right now?" He looked annoyed but worried at the same time.

"Does it look like I'm playing games Bruno? Do you not see this suitcase in front of me?"

Bruno looked down at it. "That's not nearly half your stuff. You can't leave me Mia."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I packed the essentials. I'll get rest later, or you can do what you want with it. Whatever works best for you. Wouldn't want to be a bother to your life anymore than I have been."

Bruno shook his head. "Mia stop. Baby, you can't fucking leave without talking to me. You didn't let me explain anything and you're just going to pack your shit and leave? You can't do this to me Mia!" His voice cracked.

"Fine, you wanna talk? Let's talk Bruno!" She put her keys down and walked towards him. "Answer me this Bruno. Did you fuck her?" Bruno closed his eyes and dropped his head down. Mia let out sigh of disappointment. "Was it more than one time Bruno?" He opened his eyes but he made sure he wasn't making eye contact with her and nodded his head yes. Fresh, hot tears rolled down Mia's cheeks as her heart broke. "Did you use a condom?"

He looked up at her. "Of course I did! I wouldn't put you in danger like that."

She laughed as tears continued to roll down her face. "Oh, well thank you Bruno. Thank you for thinking of me enough to wear a fucking condom while you cheated on me! I really appreciate that! She said sarcastically and laughed. "That's a fucking joke Bruno!"

Bruno walked towards her with tears in his own eyes. "Mia, baby, I'm sorry. It was a mistake!"

She put her hand up letting him know to stop talking. "A mistake Bruno? You're really going to say that to me? It was a mistake but you did it more than one time and you obviously knew what you were doing because you made sure to wear a condom so you, and I quote, wouldn't put me in danger!" She laughed again. "Bruno, I gave you everything! I trusted you and you lied to me and treated me like shit because you were out cheating! I gave you my whole fucking heart Bruno! How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us? I can't even look at you!" Tears continue to roll down her cheeks.

Bruno dropped down to his knees in front of her in tears and wrapped his arms around her legs. "Baby! Mia! I'm so sorry baby! I'm so fucking sorry!! I fucked up! Please forgive me?! Please?!"

She tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't let her go. "Bruno, stop this! Let me go. I want to leave! I told you I can't look at you! You were my everything Bruno. You saved me from a dark place. You were my knight in shinning armor. But because of you I went back to that dark place. I started to think that maybe I didn't deserve you, that maybe I wasn't enough. But the truth is, you don't deserve me. I don't know who this person is before me, but you're not MY Bruno. You're not the Bruno I fell deep in love with. That Bruno, he deserves me. He is and forever will be the love of my life. You, this person you are now. I don't know you and I want nothing more to do with you."

Bruno released her and looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "Baby don't say that to me! Don't you fucking say that! I am your Bruno! I love you Mia! I need you! Please don't leave me Mia?!" He begged.

Mia sobbed harder but stepped away from him.  "But I don't need you." She slipped the rings of her finger and made him take them. "I meant what I said back there. I want a divorce. There's no fixing this. Once the trust is gone, that's it." She picked up her keys and walked towards the door as Bruno sat their still on his knees looking at the rings she had given back to him in shock. Mia walked out with tears in her eyes and a heavy heart. The tears came down harder when she hard Bruno begging for her.

"MIA!!!! MIA!!!! DON'T LEAVE ME MIA!!! I NEED YOU! COME BACK MIA!!! COME BACK!!" He cried as he yelled. "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU BABY!!! I'M SO SORRY! I'M SO FUCKING SORRY!!" He clenched the rings in his hands and balled his eyes out. This was one of his greatest fears coming true and it was all his fault. He saw it in her eyes that she was done with him. He had gone too far and there was no turning back.

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