Chapter 63

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The next day at the studio Bruno was finding it hard to focus on the music they were trying to work on. Lyrics kept coming to his head but they didn't go to the music they had going on. "This isn't working. We need something different. I have lyrics coming to my head but they don't fit the music."

"Whatchu got man?" Phil asked him. He had noticed Bruno had been tense since he'd gotten to the studio but he didn't want to pry.

Bruno thought about the lyrics a little in his head before he started singing. He picked up his guitar and started playing the strings until he could get the tune he wanted going. Then he started singing the lyrics that were in his head.

"If you ever leave me, baby
Leave some morphine at my door
Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have
We don't have it anymore"

There's no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor, oh
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm making
To keep you by my side
To keep you from walking out the door

Cause there'll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain
Rain, rain."

Bruno stopped playing. "That's all I got so far. The lyrics have be floating around in my head all day. I just had to piece them together. It needs more obviously but that's what I have so far."

Phil nodded his head. "I like it. It's solid." He paused for a moment. "Where is this coming from though B? Those weren't just lyrics. I can tell they came from the heart. What's going on man? Everything okay?"

Bruno put his guitar down and shook his head. "I fucked up Phil! I've been fucking up! Last night I missed our date night for the fifth fucking time Phil. I was drinking. I lost track of time and I missed it. I called her and I lied to her Phil. I told her I was with the guys. When she called me out on missing five times in a row I yelled at her and hung up on her." He shook his head. "I've never yelled at her Phil. We've never had a fight before last night and I fucked it up." He put his hand on his forehead and rubbed it down his face. "I still had the nerve to come home in the early hours of the morning. I ended up breaking shit and tried to pick it up." He flashed his hands at Phil. "As you can see that didn't work out well for me. She woke up and patched me up and sent me to bed. But if you could have seen the look on her face Phil." He shook his head again. "She was so hurt. I hurt her Phil. I could see it in her eyes. She was in a bad place. A place she hadn't been in so long. A place only I used to be able to get her out of. Except this time I was the cause of it. I'd never been more afraid of losing her than I was last night Phil. But she's so good Phil. She's so good to me and she forgave me. She didn't even yell at me. Nothing."

Phil looked at him contemplating what to say. "B, you can't be lying to her man. Who were you with B? Why did you have to lie to her? Why didn't you make your date? That used to be a big deal to you."

Bruno needed his head. "I know Phil. I fucked up."

Phil stepped closer to him. "B, who were you with? Do not tell me you're cheating on her."

Bruno stood up from the chair. "No Phil! Nothing like that. Damn! I was just having some drinks with Natalie."

Phil raised an eyebrow at him. "Natalie? B, come on man! I told you that girl was bad news." Phil shook his head.

"Relax Phil. It's not what you think. We're just friends. Like I said. I lost track of time. Speaking of time." He looked at his watch. "I gotta get going. We'll pick back up tomorrow. I have a dinner to prepare for my baby. I promised her I'd make it up to her. Told her dinner would be ready when she got home."

Phil shook his head. "B, don't fuck this up! Mia is Gold."

Bruno picked us his hat an put it on his head. "I got this Phil. I'm not going to fuck this up! I know my baby is Gold. That's my treasure. I'm not going to lose her Phil. I can't."


When Mia got home all the lights were out and candles lit up the living room. "Bruno? Baby I'm home!"

Bruno appeared from the kitchen dressed in a black tux. Instead of styling his hair in the whomp he wore these days he let his curls be free. Mia loved when his curls were on display. He smiled at her and she just about melted forgetting everything that happened last night. "Hello my beautiful wife. I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival." He started walking towards her.

Mia blushed and started making her way towards him. "You look good Bruno." she smiled harder.

"You look stunning as always baby." He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her.

"It smells amazing. Did you really cook?" Mia asked him with a curious grin.

Bruno grinned back. "It's not much but anything for you baby."

The smile that was on her face didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. "Well it smells as delicious as you look. I can't wait to try it."

Bruno gave her a smirk and blushed. "Don't you start nothing before dinner baby. I got this all planned out." He took her hand in his. "Come on, I'll get you seated." He led her into the kitchen where more candles lit up the room. He walked her over to the table that was romantically set for two. There was a bottle of champagne on ice and a vase with over a dozen red roses in it. Mia didn't say anything, she just took in her surroundings. Bruno pulled out her chair and instructed her to sit down. She took her seat and thanked him. "I'll be right back baby."

He returned with a basket of breadsticks and set them down then left again. When he came back the second time he had two plates in his hand. He placed one in front of Mia and the other in front of his place setting and took his seat.

Mia looked over at him and smiled. "Spaghetti? It looks amazing Bruno. Everything is perfect. Thank you baby."

Bruno smiled. "I figured you can't go wrong with Italian. Plus, it's one of the easier things to make." He laughed. He took her hand in his. "You don't need to thank me baby. It's the least I could do." He kissed her hand. "Now, bon appétit. I want to see what you think."

Mia giggled and picked up her fork and spoon, She picked up some noodles on her fork and twirled them around it with her spoon. She took a bite and was delightfully surprised on how good it tasted. "Mmmmm" she made a sound with her mouth and Bruno smiled. She finished chewing. "Bruno it's delicious!"

Bruno smiled proudly. "I'm glad you like it baby." He took a bite himself, satisfied that Mia liked it. "I have a confession. I made a big mess in the kitchen. I had to clean it all up before you got here so I didn't look like an amateur." He laughed.

Mia laughed too. "I actually would have loved to see you make this."

Bruno raised an eyebrow at her. "Really?" Mia nodded her head. "Well next time I'll make sure you get to witness the mess I make." Bruno said and chuckled.

Mia giggled too. "I love you so much Bruno." She was so thankful for this moment. For the past month she had felt him slipping away, but tonight everything seemed back to the way it should be.

"I love you too Mia." He placed his hand over hers at the table. "You're my golden star Mia. I will forever treasure you with all my heart baby."

Mia's eyes watered up and a tear escaped. "My heart will be forever yours Bruno."

Bruno reached over to wipe the tear that rolled down her cheek. "Hey, none of that baby. Let's make a toast." He grabbed the champagne bottle and popped it open and poured some in both glasses. He handed Mia hers. and they both raised their glasses. "To always and forever, and even after that. Cheers Mia."

Mia brought her glass to his with a smile. "Cheers Bruno."

Authors Note: Happy New Year My Loves!!! 😘😘😘

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