Chapter 13

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The drive to the next destination was long but fun. Bruno and Mia sang along together to songs on the radio breaking some of them into duets. They laughed it up about things they had done in the past and Bruno even spit a few rhymes to her to the beat of the music on the radio. It was the best car ride Mia could ever remember having. As they exited the highway Mia started looking around for clues on where they were headed. "Just a little bit further and we will reach our destination babe" Bruno said to her as he watched her look around at the signs at the red light. He was amused by how badly she wanted to know where they were going.

She looked over at him with his perfect smile and couldn't help be smile back at him. "At this point, I don't even know if I care where we're going. As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters. I've already had one of the best days of my life. The only one that tops it at this point is the day you asked me to marry you." Mia said.

Bruno smiled bigger and leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Yes, the day you agreed to be my wife. That's my favorite day too baby." 

Mia forgot to even look at the signs anymore. She was too busy watching Bruno. Taking in all his beautiful features. He was absolutely perfect. She heard the engine turn off and Bruno's voice. "We're here baby!"

She started looking around. They were in a parking garage. She hadn't even realized they had gone into one. Bruno went around and opened her door and helped her out. "Where is here?" she asked him.

Bruno smiled as he grabbed the backpack out of the car and put it on. "It's just a block away from here now my love." He said reaching for her hand and leading the way.

As they exited the building Mia started taking in some of the scenery and chatted with Bruno. They approached a bridge with a sign. The top of the sign read "Santa Monica". She could see the ocean now and hear the waves. "The beach. Your bringing me to the beach?" She looked up at him smiling. The beach was always one of their favorite places to go in Hawaii.

"Welcome to the Santa Monica Pier baby" Bruno said to her as he continued to lead the way.

Mia looked around at all the little shops and rides. More rides. She smiled. She loved rides and hoped it was in Bruno's plans to get on them at some point during their visit. "Let's get something to eat baby." Bruno said.

"I could go for some food." Mia said. They walked up to one of the little stands and Bruno ordered them something to eat. Then they walked over towards the end of the Pier. Bruno asked Mia if she could hold the items of food they had purchased for a second. She took them from him and he took off the backpack and opened it up. He pulled out a blanket and set it on the floor. Mia smiled realizing he had a meal by the beach planned. She had the most perfect fiancé in the entire universe.

Bruno smiled up at her with his boyish grin. "Nothing better than eating and watching the sunset on the beach with my baby" he said.

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