Chapter 7

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When the plane landed Mia gathered her things and patiently waited to exit the plane. Towards the end of the flight she had started to feel bad for just brushing Jonah off the way she had. After all he was being nice and all he did was compliment her. Right? She was just always so protective of Bruno that anytime she felt someone was against him she was on the defensive. But if she really thought about it, he didn't really say anything wrong. She wanted to apologize but she thought it would be weird. So when Jonah offered for her to go ahead of him when it came time for their row to exit the plane, she still hardly looked at him. She just gave him a quick thank you and moved along.

When she stepped off the plane she followed the signs to baggage claim just as she was told to do. Bruno was to meet her there. The closer she felt she was getting to him the more excited she felt. As she was going down the escalator she spotted him in the distance and a smile instantly appeared on her face. He was talking to Jaime about something and smiling. He hadn't seen her yet but his perfect smile warmed her heart. A hand tapped her shoulder and she looked behind her to see who it was. Just as she did Bruno looked her way and spotted her.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize again for whatever it was that I said to upset you back on the plane. Wasn't my intention at all. I really do wish you and your fiancé the best." Jonah said to her.

Mia gave him a polite smile. "You don't have to apologize. I was being a jerk. I'm the one who should apologize. It was nice meeting you Jonah." She extended her hand to him for a handshake just as they stepped off the escalator and he took it.

"The pleasure was all mine." Jonah said with a smile.

Bruno stood there watching it all play out. Seeing his fiancé chatting with some random guy whom he didn't know wasn't exactly how he imagined their reunion to be. He envisioned seeing her from across the room as she came down to baggage claim and her running into his arms and him swooping her up and hugging her tight. This scene, that he had just seen unfold, he didn't like.

Mia turned her attention back to where she had spotted Bruno and there he was. She was all smiles. While Bruno hadn't liked what he'd just seen, the second he saw her smile at him he couldn't help but smile back. Then just like he'd hoped, she ran towards him, dropping her carry on on the ground inches from his arms and he swooped her up and spun her around hugging her tight.

"I missed you so damn much baby girl! So much!" Bruno said to her.

"I missed you too baby boy! So, so much!" She pulled her face away from his shoulder and found his lips. His soft lips kissed hers ever so gently and passionately. It was like magic. She could swear fireworks exploded around them.

Just like that, both of them forgot about the stranger named Jonah.

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