Chapter 41

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Eight Months Later:

Mia stood in line at UCLA to get her schedule. She had finally decided what she wanted to do with her life. She was going to follow in her fathers footsteps and go for her law degree. Gabriel pulled a few strings to get her in although he didn't have to do much because she had a 4.0 GPA in high school and her test scores for the LSAT came back really impressive. She was really excited about starting this new journey and Bruno was excited for her too. He was glad she finally figured out what she wanted to do because he knew it had always bothered her that she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life.

It was now Friday and she had gotten through her first week in college pretty successfully. She was at the college campus getting a few more books she needed for one of her classes. When she was headed to her car she tripped and almost fell. While she was able to regain her balance all her books had fallen to the ground. She squatted down to pick them up and heard a voice say "Here, let me help you with that." She rose up looking at the familiar face as he handed her the books he had picked up. "Mia?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes." She answered taking her books from him. She furrowed her eyebrows looking at him trying to remember where she knew him from. "I'm sorry. You do look familiar but I can't remember where I've met you before."

He let out a soft chuckle. "It's fine. I'm Jonah. We met on your first flight to Los Angeles over a year ago. I don't really expect you to remember me. You kind of blew me off."

Mia giggled. "Oh my gosh, yes I remember you! I'm so sorry about that Jonah! Thank your for helping me with my books. I can't believe you remember me."

Jonah smiled at her. "My pleasure! I could never forget a pretty face like yours."

Mia blushed a little. "Thanks. I umm.... You go to school here?"

Jonah nodded his head. "I do. So I guess your married and living in LA now huh? Just like you said. That's great! I'm happy for you."

"Uh, not married yet but it's in the works. I do live in Los Angeles now though. Obviously or I wouldn't be here getting books for college." Mia said and laughed.

"Right, of course."

There was a small awkward silence between them and Mia broke it fast. "Umm I gotta go. I'm actually supposed to meet Bruno for dinner."

Jonah nodded. "Of course. Maybe I'll see you around."

Mia nodded. "Maybe. Bye Jonah."

"Bye Mia."

Mia walked away and made it to her car. She texted Bruno to let him know she was on her way to see him. About thirty minutes later she pulled up to Jaime's house and knocked on the door. Bruno answered with a big smile on his face. "Hey! There she is! There's my beautiful, college girl! Look at you lookin all good baby!" Bruno said and chuckled giving her a hug.

Mia giggled and hugged him back and then gave him a kiss. "Thank you baby! I missed you!"

Bruno gave her another hug. "I missed you too! Jaime is happy you're having dinner with us tonight. She misses you. She hasn't really gotten to see you much lately cause you were busy studing for the LSAT and then taking the test and you know, all that fun stuff. Marley misses you too."

Mia made a pouty face. "Awww I miss them too! I feel so bad for not coming around now."

Bruno took her hand and led her inside. "Don't feel bad. You're here now."

Before they even made it into the living room she heard footsteps running towards them. "Auntie Miiaaaaa" she heard Marley's little voice yell as he ran to hug her.

"Marley!" She squatted down to hug him and he tackled her to the ground and gave her tiny kisses on her cheek. She giggled and hugged him tight. "I've missed too you buddy!"

Bruno chuckled and helped them both up. They walked into the kitchen to find Jaime setting the table. "Hey! Look who's here!" Bruno said.

Jaime looked up and smiled. "Mia! So glad you're here! I feel like it's been forever!" She pulled Mia in for a hug.

Mia hugged her back with one hand because Marley hadn't let go of her other hand. "I know. I'm so sorry. I've really missed you guys. Where's Jesse?"

Jaime pointed into the kitchen. "He's in there. He was helping me make dinner."

Mia smiled. "Awww isn't he sweet. I'm going to go say hello." Mia walked into the kitchen with Marley's hand still in hers.

"Mia! Hey! How are you! Congrats on making it through your first week of college." He went in and hugged her.

"Thanks Jesse!" She hugged him back.

When they sat down for dinner Marley had Jaime put his seat next to Mia. They thought it was so cute that he missed her so much. The night on with lots of laughs and good eating. Something she really needed with all the stress she had been going through to get into UCLA.

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