Chapter 62

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The last two shows went by fast and soon they were on their way back to the states. Their first night back Bruno took Mia dancing. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could before he had to throw himself in the studio to finish his second album. He knew once that happened he would be spending less time with her. Then once it was out he would be doing promo and then the tour. "I want to spend every second that I'm not working with you baby." He told her.

While Mia was all for that, she too had a lot of work to do. Especially since she had taken all that time off. She had to spend a lot of time catching up on cases with Jonah and that kind of bummed Bruno out a bit. When he was home early she was working late. When she was home early he had to stay late at the studio. He hated it. He talked to her about it and they decided that at least on day a week they would make time to have dinner and go dancing. No work. Just Bruno and Mia time. It was working for a while, until it wasn't. Bruno started cancelling on her last minute saying he had to stay late at the studio. While she understood he had a deadline to meet it did bother her because she had work to do too but she was there. Her work wasn't any less important than his. Mia sat in the living room looking at the clock. Bruno was supposed to be home an hour ago. Their dinner reservations were in thirty minutes and he wasn't answering her phone calls or her text messages. An hour came and went and still nothing from Bruno. Mia went from being worried, to upset, to sad. She thought about texting Phil or Eric but she didn't want to be that wife. So she waited and waited. At exactly 8:45 her phone rang and Bruno's name popped up. Mia answered it immediately. "Bruno, baby, are you okay?" The worry was all in her voice.

"I'm fine baby. I'm just gonna be home later than expected. I'm hanging out with the guys." She could hear in his voice that he as drunk.

"Bruno, are you drunk? You know we had dinner reservations at six and we were supposed to go dancing. Baby it was our date night. You missed the last four Bruno. This will be five. You promised you would make it tonight." She was near tears now.

"I'm not drunk." He lied. "Baby please don't start crying. I just forgot. We can do it tomorrow okay?"

Mia shook her head even though she knew Bruno couldn't see her. "Bruno I can't tomorrow. I have to stay late and finish up things for my trial because I left early today. I can't let Jonah do everything by himself baby. It's not fair to him. He's already done most of it. I have to pull my own weight. I can't just do what I want because I'm the bosses daughter. This is my work Bruno. Had you told me earlier you couldn't make it today I would have stayed at work and I could have left early tomorrow."

Bruno smacked his teeth. "Well shit Mia I told you I forgot! Just let Jonah take you dancing then Mia! Since you're so worried about him and shit! I don't really want to go dancing with you anyway. I'm tired of this shit!" He hung up the phone.

Mia looked at the phone in disbelief and started crying. This was not the Bruno she knew and loved. He had never raised his voice at her much less cursed at her. She went into the room, changed into some pajamas, removed all her make up, washed her face, brushed her teeth and curled up in her bed. She didn't know what was going on with Bruno but he was different lately. The fact that he missed five of their date nights in a row really bothered her because it wasn't like him. These date nights were his idea to begin with. She cried herself to sleep that night. Something she hadn't done in a very long time. That night she felt like she was back in high school. The days when she thought her uncle hated her and Tyler treated her like crap. It was a very dark place for her. The only person that could make it better was Bruno. But Bruno was the reason she was in that dark place now. She was woken up by the sound of something breaking. She sat up and looked at the clock. It was just after two two morning.

"MIA! MIA! BABY WHERE ARE YOU?" She heard Bruno yelling. She got up and went into the living room. She saw him squatted down by some broken glass trying to pick it up and gasped. When he heard her he looked up at her. "Baby, I broke your pretty flower vase. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break it. I just bumped into it."

Mia walked over to him. "Bruno, stop. Just leave it. Look at your hands. You're cutting yourself." She helped him up. "My goodness Bruno what were you thinking? Come on let me get you cleaned up." She walked him into their bathroom and sat him on the toilet pulling out the first aid kit and some tweezers. "Be still okay." Bruno nodded his head and she took the little tiny pieces of glass from his hand with the tweezers. She grabbed the alcohol to clean his wounds. "This might burn a little bit okay?" Again Bruno nodded his head. She carefully started cleaning his hands up and blew on the spots so it wouldn't burn so much then she patched him up. "There Bruno. All better. I'm going to get you in the bed and go clean up the glass. Bruno still didn't say anything. He just nodded his head. Mia walked him to the bed and made him lay down. She took his shoes off and covered him up then left the room. She cleaned up the glass and the blood that Bruno had left on the floor from his cuts. She put everything away and went into the kitchen to wash her hands. Then she stood there in front of the sink and started crying remembering her fight with Bruno.

"You okay?" Bruno asked startling her.

She wiped her face and turned around to face him. "I'm fine. What are you doing out of the bed?"

Instead of answering her he stepped closer to her and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Mia. I'm so sorry baby." Mia wrapped her arms around him and cried but she didn't say anything. "When you were cleaning me up I saw all the hurt in your eyes. I hurt you baby. Please forgive me Mia? I don't want to see you cry baby. Especially not because of me. I completely forgot about our date night and I was mad at myself for it. I took it out in you and that wasn't fair." He pulled away and looked into her eyes. He wiped at the tears that ran down her cheeks. "Let me make it up to you baby. I know you have to work late tomorrow but that's okay. I'll have dinner ready for you when you get home and we'll have a special night in. How does that sound?"

Mia sniffled and nodded her head. She looked into Bruno's eyes. He looked to be on the brink of tears himself. "Okay" was all she managed to say to him without crying again.

Bruno dropped down to his knees and hugged her legs. "Baby I'm so sorry!" Mia could feel the tears oh her legs and she knew he was crying now. "Mia, my love, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me? Say you forgive me Mia! I can't take you being mad at me! It's killing me to know I made you cry." He was full on sobbing now.

Mia was in tears again. "Bruno stop." She pulled at his arms. "Please get up? I forgive you. Just please get up baby?"

Bruno rose to his feet and cupped her face in his hands. Mia could see the tear streaks on his face. She had never seen him cry like that before and it only served to break her heart even more. "Baby you mean the world to me and I don't know what the hell I was thinking today. I don't ever want to do anything that would put me in a position to lose you Mia. If you ever left me I don't think I could live without you. Mia, I love you so much."

Mia wiped at the tears that ran down his cheeks. "You're not losing me Bruno. I'm right here. I love you too."

Bruno kissed her and held onto her like his life depended on it. He thought about her leaving him before but he never quite feared it the way he had tonight. They had never had so much as a argument in all the years they had been together and today, he ruined that. He hated himself for it.

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