Chapter 46

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Some time had passed. Mia and Bruno moved into their apartment together. Law school was going really well for Mia. She was thankful she hadn't hit a point where she had to ask Jonah for help because she just felt like he was bad news even though he was always nice to her. Elijah and Mya had gotten married and it was the most beautiful wedding Mia had ever seen. She had never seen her uncle so happy and it made her happy too. She and Bruno were now only a few months away from their big day themselves. Bruno had met a man named Philip Lawrence who was a song writer and a producer through Keith Harris who was the drummer for The Black Eye Peas. The pair had gotten pretty close and Bruno seemed really optimistic about his music career. Everything seemed to be going perfectly and Mia couldn't be happier.

Mia stood in the kitchen making dinner when she heard the door slam shut. She peeked in the living room from the kitchen and saw Bruno plop down on the couch. Aside from the door slamming, she she knew something was wrong with him because the first thing he ever did when he came home was go find her, give her a big kiss, and tell her he missed her. She stepped into the living room. "Hey baby! You okay?"

"No baby, I'm not." He looked up at her and gave her a sad smile.

Mia walked over to him and sat on his lap. "What's the matter baby?"

Bruno sighed. "I don't even know want to tell you baby girl. I feel like I let you down."

Mia planted a gentle kiss on his lips. "You could never let me down. Talk to me baby."

Bruno pulled her close and hugged her for a moment but he didn't say anything. When pulled away he looked into her eyes. Hers looked worried while his looked sad. "Baby I got dropped from Motown."

The worry left her face and now she looked sad too. "Baby, I'm so sorry!" She hugged him. "Did they say why?" She looked at him again.

"I just wasn't doing it for them baby. They said I wasn't ready. I'm sorry I let you down." He shrugged his shoulders and put his head down.

Mia brought her hands up to cup his face. "Baby, hey, look at me, you haven't let me down. This is a minor set back my love. You were made for this. This is going to happen for you baby. One day you're going to be selling out arenas worldwide and Motown is going to look at you and wonder why the hell they let you go!"

Bruno smiled a little and shook his head. "You love me so much don't you? Motown is going to wonder why they let me go?"

Mia nodded her head. "I do love you, with all my heart. I'm serious about this though Bruno. You're going to be world famous and Motown is going to be upset they let you go. People are going to be like 'You had Bruno Mars signed and you let him go, Bruno Fucking Mars?!' and then they're going to shake their heads at Motown because they suck for letting you go!"

Bruno burst into laughter and Mia laughed with him. "Baby I love you so much. This is the worst day of my life and you're making it so much better. You're right baby, this is just a minor setback." He smiled at her. "Bruno fucking Mars huh?" He chuckled. "I can't wait to marry you baby! Just a few more months. I'm not going to let this break me. I'm going to come out on top because my baby believes in me. My soon to be wife says I'm going to do it so dammit I'm going to do it!"

Mia smiled. "You're damn right you are. I can't wait to marry you either my love."

Bruno kissed her passionately. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Mia smiled. "Ditto my love. Ditto."

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