Chapter 36

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As they sat at the dinner table conversation was flowing. Mia was sitting in between Bruno and her grandmother. "So you two are engaged? Aren't you a little young to be engaged my sweet?" Marcella said to Mia.

Mia bit her lip and looked over at Bruno. "We love each other." She took Bruno's hand in hers. "He's my rock. I honestly don't know where I would be without him. I do know that I wouldn't be here though. Had it not been for him I would not have had any reason to be in Los Angeles. I would not have been on Hollywood boulevard that day I ran into my father."

Bruno smiled at Mia and looked at Marcella. "Ma'am I know that we are still very young but I have no doubt in my mind that I want to spend the rest of my life with Mia. The moment I met her I knew that she would change my life forever."

Mia gushed over Bruno's words and Marcella smiled. "Well, who am I to be against a love that seems so pure?" she said to them.

"You couldn't keep those two apart if you tried. They are nearly inseparable. No matter what life throws at them they always seem to figure it out. It's been amazing to watch, I can tell you that much." Elijah spoke from across the table.

Mia smiled at him. "He's right...." She looked back to Bruno. "It doesn't matter what I do, Bruno never gives up on me. He's always there for me. Ready to pick up the pieces if need be. Like I said, he's my rock."

Bruno smiled at her. "Babe stop, you're making me blush in front of everyone" he said letting his beautiful chuckle escape his mouth.

"Oh my gosh! You two are just too freakin adorable!" her aunt Mya said from across the table. She looked over at Elijah who was sitting next to her. "I think it's wonderful that you support them so much. They are definitely young but they seem to be so in love and they deserve to share that with one another. So, Kudos to you Elijah."

Elijah smiled at her. "Thank you. I really appreciate that. I won't lie and say it was easy but I've always known Bruno was a good kid and.... I owe him a lot."

Bruno shot him a smile. "You don't owe me anything sir. Just happy to be a part of Mia's life."

The evening was moving along smoothly. Mia was enjoying getting to know her family and her uncle seemed to be having some good conversation with her Aunt Mya. She wasn't sure but it almost seemed like they were flirting.

"Looks like they really hit it off huh babe?" Mia heard Bruno in her ear. She turned back to look at him and smiled.

"So it's not just me? They are flirting right?!" Mia asked Bruno.

Bruno nodded his head. "Definitely!"

Mia looked back in their direction and smiled. "I want him to have his happily ever after babe. He deserves it."

Bruno wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "I agree babe."


Three Months Later:

Mia stood in her room packing up the last of her luggage. She was going to surprise Bruno for his birthday. She felt really bad for telling him that she wouldn't be able to make it. He seemed really bummed about it. But she'd talked Gabriel into inviting him over for dinner so they could "bond" and he'd reluctantly agreed. Mia knew that since his birthday was smack dab in the middle of the week he wouldn't be expecting any surprises from her but he was wrong. She'd been working on his surprise for weeks and with everyone's help she was going to accomplish exactly what she knew he wanted. She closed her suitcase and walked into the living room. Her uncle Eli was on the phone and he was all smiles. Mia smiled at the sight. "Is that aunt Mya again? Tell her I say hello and I'm doing fine thanks for asking!" she said and giggled.

Elijah looked up at her and nodded chuckling into the phone. "Mia says hello and thanks she's doing fine thanks for asking."

She had already talked to her aunt earlier. She just liked messing with her uncle Eli. He and her aunt had really hit it off and they'd been talking none stop since the night they all met. It made Mia happy to see him like that. They talked so much that she had cracked a joke with him saying that soon they would be packing up and moving to LA permanently.

"She says she loves you to pieces but this phone conversation isn't about you." Elijah told her.

"Oh yeah. Then what's it about?" Mia asked? She was joking. She didn't really care but she wasn't ready for the response she was about to get.

"We're discussing me possibly moving to Los Ángeles." He said it so calmly like he hadn't just dropped a bomb on her.

Mia's mouth dropped open and the bottled water that she had in her hand dropped to the ground. Thankfully it was closed so nothing spilled. "I'm sorry, what?!"

Elijah looked at her and put one finger up as if telling her to wait. "Yeah. I think she's about to freak out. Let me call you back love" he said into the phone and hung up.

Mia raised an eyebrow at him. "Love?" She knew they talked all the time and the few times he had gone back to Los Angeles with her they had gone on a some dates but she didn't know it was serious enough for him to want to pack up and move and be using the L word already.

Elijah sat on the couch and instructed Mia to do the same thing. "Mia, its no secret to you that we've been talking non stop and went on some dates while I was in Los Angeles with you. We really like each other.... a lot. We're older already and we both know that we want to give this a shot. We don't want to beat around the bush. But if you're not comfortable with that...."

Mia cut him off. "Uncle Eli I'm totally comfortable with it. I think it's amazing! I've never seen you this happy before!" She stood up and hugged him and he smiled and hugged her back.

"So, you're okay with this? You're okay with me moving to Los Ángeles?" He never in a million years thought he would leave Hawaii but Mya was special. He knew it the second he laid eyes on her. Now, he was head over heels and the feeling was mutual.

Mia smiled at him. "I'm thrilled about that. I was getting sick of airplanes already." She giggled and hugged him again. "When are we moving?"

Eli laughed and shook his head. "I was going to look for a place while we were down there for Bruno's birthday. As soon as I find one then we could make the move.

Mia hugged him again squeezing him tightly. "I'm so happy that you're happy uncle Eli. Finding my dad was the best thing ever because not only do I have more family but you've finally found someone. I know aunt Mya won't break your heart because it's pretty clear that she adores you. I can't ever see her or talk to her without her asking about you. I'm so excited!"  She kissed him on the cheek.

Eli laughed again. A sound that she had been hearing a lot lately and she loved it. "You really like her for me huh?"

She nodded. "Bruno and I called it the very first night."

He laughed again. "You and Bruno are very observant. Too grown for your own good. Now go tell everyone we need to be leaving soon. We gotta make it to the airport on time. I'm gonna call your aunt Mya back."

Mia smiled and nodded then ran out the door to collect the Hernandez clan. They were also coming along to be a part of Bruno's birthday surprise.

Authors Note: I know it took me forever to upload but here it is. Sorry it's so long. I hope you guys like it. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think. I love reading your comments.

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