Chapter 87

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Bruno had taken Mia out on special lunch date. When they returned Mia entered the living room wondering why it was so quiet. "Bru, where is everyone?"

Bruno shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know baby. Maybe they're in the back yard." Bruno made his way back there and opened the door smiling at the site. "Back here baby girl.

Bruno stepped into the yard and waited for Mia to come. When she stepped into the yard she was greeted by everyone yelling "SURPRISE!"

Mia covered her mouth as she looked around at all the familiar faces and all the beautiful decorations. They had planned a surprise party right under her nose and she didn't even realize it. Not only that but everyone that was important to her was there. Her Dad, her grandparents, her aunt and uncles, cousins, Bruno's family which she considered her own. She was so overwhelmed that the tears came. "Oh my goodness! Wow!"

Bruno walked up to her first and hugged her. "Hey, don't cry baby girl. This is a fun time."

Mia nodded. "Yeah I know. I'm crying because I'm happy. These are happy tears."

Bruno wiped the tears that rolled down her checks and kissed her. "I love you baby."

Mia smiled and gave him another hug. "I love you too."

Bruno took her hand and together they went around giving everyone a hug and thanking them for coming and then the celebrating began. They ate, played games, laughed, had cake and opened gifts. She was definitely happy that her Dad had a private jet, otherwise getting all the gifts from Hawaii to Los Angeles would be very difficult. As she sat there with Bruno beside her holding her hand as he talked to Eric and she couldn't help but smile. Her life right now seemed absolutely perfect. Only one thing could have made it better and that was for her mom to be able to be there to share this with her. She looked up at the sky and her smile widened.

"She's always around princess." She heard Gabriel's voice beside her. She looked from the clouds to her Dad. "She's always watching over us. I'm sure of that now because she led you to me. But more importantly, she's always in our hearts." Gabriel leaned down to kiss her forehead then took a seat in the empty chair beside her.

"Thank you Dad, you're right. You know, I'd bet she'd want for you to find someone to share your life with and be happy."

Gabriel smiled. "It wouldn't be fair to whoever that person might be princess because I would never love them the way I loved her."

Mia shrugged her shoulders. "Well, maybe not Dad. But just because you don't think you could love someone as much as you loved mom, doesn't mean you couldn't still fall in love with someone else. You deserve someone to share your life with Dad."

Gabriel nodded his head. "Maybe you're right. I guess, just, deep down I always had it in the back of my mind that she would come back to me one day. In a way, she sort of did with you. But you know what I mean."

Mia nodded. "I know what you mean Dad." She gave him a sad smile. "But she's gone and she knows now that you always loved her and only her. Maybe you'll find someone, maybe you won't, but at least give it a try, yeah? You could find happiness again just like Uncle Eli did with Aunt Mya. I never thought I would ever see him that happy and look at him now."

They both looked over to were Eli and Mya were sitting with Bernie and Pete just talking and laughing. Gabriel smiled but let out a sigh. "Maybe you're right. I'm not making any promises, but I'll try."

Mis smiled. "That's all I ask Dad." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you Dad." She patted her belly. "And Melody loves you too."

Gabriel smiled and placed his hand on her belly. "I love you both too."


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