Chapter 75

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Mia sat on top of the Doctors table and Bruno stood next to her. They'd done all the typical things they do for a prenatal wellness check and now they were getting ready to do the ultrasound. Mia was nervous and she'd grabbed a hold of Bruno's hand. The ultrasound tech rubbed the gel on her belly. "Here we go? Are you two ready?"

Bruno looked to Mia. "You ready baby girl?" Mia smiled and nodded. She was too nervous to speak. He looked back at the ultrasound tech. "We're ready."

She started gliding the device across her belly and Bruno's eyes were glued the the screen. "Let's find the heart beat first." She moved it around and the babies heart beat came through the monitors. "There it is. Nice strong heart beat."

Bruno smiled and looked at Mia. She was tearing up. "Wow!! That's or baby Mia. Do you hear that?"

Mia nodded and smiled. "That's our baby Bruno."

Bruno leaned down and kissed her forehead, his own eyes looking watery. The tech went on getting the babies measurements and showing them where the hands and toes are. She smiled and paused. "Would you two like to know what you're having Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez?"

Bruno and Mia looked at each other then at the tech. "You can tell?" Bruno asked.

She nodded her head and smiled. She's just under five months but yes. It looks like the baby is ready for Mom and Dad to know what they're having."

Mia nodded. "We want to know. Right Bruno?" Bruno smiled and nodded.

The tech smiled. "Okay." She pointed to the screen. "Everything looks good. Mr. And Mrs. Hernandez your baby is growing nicely and it's a sweet baby girl! Congratulations!"

Mia and Bruno both smiled. "A Girl." Mia said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Bruno kissed her hand as a couple tears escaped his own eyes. "She's going to be amazing and beautiful just like her Mama."

The tech finished up and Mia and Bruno headed out hand in hand with their copies of the ultrasound photos. Bruno opened the door for her, she got in and he closed it. He walked around and got in then turned to face her. He placed his hand on her Belly and leaned down. "Hey little princess. It's your daddy again. I know you haven't heard my voice much but I'm here baby and I already love you with all my heart. You're mom and I just found out you're a healthy baby girl and I'm so happy. I promise you that I'm going to be the best daddy that I can be for you my little princess." He placed a kiss on Mia's belly then sat back up and looked at Mia with a smile on his face. "I promise you I'm going to be a good father to her Mia. I won't ever disappoint you again."

Mia sniffled as she wiped some tears from her cheeks. "I know Bruno." She sighed. "Can we just go back to your place? I have the day off and I'm not ready to go back home yet. I'd also like to see Geronimo."

Bruno nodded. "Of course. I would love nothing more. I'm sure G will be happy to see you. I do have to go to the studio in a few hours. But we have time to get something to eat and for you to see G." He smiled.

"Food sounds amazing." She smiled at him. The rest of their drive was quiet.

"G, I'm home!" Bruno shouted when they entered the house.

Mia laughed when little Geronimo came running around the coroner and jumped in Bruno's arms. Bruno held him and rubbed his head. "Hello Geronimo" Mia said and brought her hand up to pet him.

"Mommy came to see you boy." Geronimo moved to lick Mia's hand and she giggled. "I told you he missed you."

Mia smiled. "I missed him too. You should tell him the big news."

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