Chapter 14

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     Éponine tried not to put all her weight on Enjolras as they walked to his flat. She didn't weigh much, but she didn't want him to know that. The hardest part came when they had to go up 3 flights of stairs to get to his flat. Enjolras pulled Éponine closer to him and basically carried her up the stairs. Once they reached the top Enjolras led Éponine to his flat.

Before he opened the door he looked at Éponine sheepishly, "Please excuse the mess, I haven't had a chance to clean it recently".

"It's really fine, I only plan on staying the night, I don't want to be too much trouble" Éponine replied, Enjolras didn't really think she was going to stay long, did he?

His face became serious and he faced the door nodding. He unlocked the door and swung it open revealing the paper filled flat. Éponine limped in, followed by Enjolras, and looked around her. The floors and tables in the room were covered it papers, most likely discarded speeches she thought. She saw a door on the side of the room and when she looked straight she could see his kitchen. There was a couch in the middle of the room and a table positioned to the side.

Enjolras cleared his throat and led her to the door in the other room. "This is my bedroom, I think you can stay in here tonight and get a good night’s rest since you're only staying for the night" he said in a monotone voice. The room, unlike the rest of the apartment, wasn't covered in papers.

She saw a huge shelf of books on the opposite side of the bed and was memorized. She had a decent knowledge of how to read, but she could never read anything like that; she couldn't even read the menu at the restaurant Enjolras had taken her to earlier that day. A lot had happened that day. First she was saved by Enjolras from getting hit by a carriage, then she met with Marius, then Marius saw Cosette and begged Éponine to find her, and when she did she had a run in with her father. She snapped out of her daze and looked at Enjolras, who was staring at her.

When she looked at him he turned away quickly and said, "The bathroom is over there if you need to wash up. You can run a bath too, if you would like" pointing to a door in the corner of the room.

"Thank you" she said before ducking into the bathroom. The first thing she saw in the bathroom was her reflection. Her face was already turning purple from the bruises, and it was swelling a lot. She could hardly recognize herself and she gasped. She heard footsteps come to the door and a soft knock, "Are you alright?" Enjolras asked. "Yes, yes I'm fine" she replied quickly. She turned to the tub and she started to run the water. As the tub filled up she took off her dress. The rest of her body was just like her face, purple and swollen.

 She looked away and turned off the water and stepped into the tub. The minute she set foot into the hot water the cuts on her legs were stinging. She let a hiss escape her lips as she slid herself down into the water. She could already see the grim and blood peeling off her skin and into the water. She found a bar of soap and continued to wash herself until she was pleased with the results. She stood and found a towel to dry off with. Once she was dry she wrapped the towel around her body and cracked open the door. Enjolras was not in the room and she saw a plain white shirt and black trousers laying on the bed for her. She walked into the room and got changed. The clothes were very long and loose, and the pants could barely stay on her waist, but she was grateful for his consideration. She walked over to the bookshelf and ran her fingers across the bindings of the books.

She heard a knock at the door, "May I come in, Éponine?" She heard Enjolras ask. She stepped away from the bookshelf and walked over to the door. She opened it to find Enjolras with a plate of food. He held it out to her and she graciously took it and walked to the bed. Enjolras followed her and sat down on the other end of the bed. He stared intently at her while she ate and with her mouth full Éponine asked, "What are you lookin' at?"

Enjolras cracked a smile, but it disappeared when he spoke, "Éponine, I know you might not be ready to say what happened tonight, but I know it's more than just a stumble on your way home. If you ever need to talk about anything, please come to me. I just want to make sure you're alright".

Éponine smiled, "thank you Enjolras, but I assure you I'm fine".

Enjolras' face suddenly darkened, "Éponine, you can't lie to me. I held you while you sobbed for over a half an hour, and I know those bruises on your face didn't just appear on their own!" 

Éponine felt the rage building up inside her, why did he have to be so darn stubborn and intrusive. "Well it's none of your business! I don't even know you and I don't have to tell you anything!"

Enjolras stood up, "Come on Éponine! What's keeping you from telling someone?"

Éponine gritted her teeth, "It. Is. None. Of. Your. Concern" she spit at him.

Enjolras took a few menacing steps forward and Éponine flinched back. He stopped and stared, disbelief flashing across his face. "Éponine," he started gently, causing her to look up at him, "I would never, ever, hit you."

She felt her cheeks growing red, "thank you Monsieur, but I'm feeling very tired and I think it would be best if you would go." She said setting the plate aside and turning her back to him. Enjolras retreated slowly to the door and closed it. Éponine felt silent tears slipping out of her eyes.

Enjolras closed the door and pressed his head to it. He whispered, "Good night, Éponine, I'm sorry" before turning to the couch. He knew she couldn't hear him, but he still felt the need to say it. He laid down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling thinking of who could do something like that to Éponine, and why she had never tried to stop it before.

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