Chapter 26

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When Enjolras was around the corner and away from Éponine, he let the tears blinding him fall down his face. He leaned against the wall of the building as sunk to the ground. She betrayed him, after all he did for her, she never loved him. He slammed his head into the wall before allowing it to fall into his arms. He felt his body shaking; he had never felt this way before. He felt so broken, naked almost, though he was fully clothed. She had broken into him and torn him apart from the inside. Suddenly he didn't pity himself anymore; he felt a new emotion boiling inside him, anger. Anger at Éponine for everything she did to him, anger at himself for not seeing though he fake love for him, anger at Marius for being the one Éponine loved, anger at everything. He lifted his tear-stained face and stood up. He stormed to his apartment and slammed open the door. He looked around the apartment and saw no sign of Éponine. He slammed the door shut and whirled around. He stomped over the table and swiped everything off of it. He was fuming. He turned back to the table and flipped it over, causing it to shatter on the ground. At first he was shocked, but then he went around the room slamming every piece of furniture to the ground. Tears were once again forming in his eyes and blinded him. He stumbled into his room and the hot tears fell down his face. The bed was still unmade from where they slept this morning. He felt his cheats tighten and he slammed his door shut. He pushed his fingers through his hair breathing heavy and he whirled around and punched the wall. His hand broke the wall and he pulled it out shakily. He walked to his bed and pressed his other hand on it, tears streaming harder and faster down his face. He managed to blurt out one word before collapsing into the bed, "Why?"

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