Chapter 24

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He watched them leave their apartment early that morning. Arm in arm the couple looked happier they did the previous night. Had she finally given herself up to someone? No it couldn't be, he wouldn't believe it. Where was her father? Wasn't he supposed to be keeping her for him until he got out? He had said Éponine would be his if he joined the gang, maybe it's time to pay a visit to the nice leader of the Patron Minuette and finally have him come through on his deal. He turned into the shadows, away from the couple, and made his way to the Thenadiar residence.

Éponine and Enjolras made their way down the streets to the café Musain. Éponine held tightly to Enjolras's arm when they entered the café and saw Cosette and Marius.

Marius smiled at the pair and waved them over, Éponine hesitating slightly before Enjolras pulled her over to the table.

They sat down across from them and Enjolras and Marius began talking about that night’s meeting and the upcoming revolution. "I'm planning on making sure everyone knows what they are signing up for tonight. I don't want people thinking we are just going to waltz into the king’s palace and tell him to change the government without a fight. They need to know that they will have to make a sacrifice, even if it means their life", Enjolras told Marius.

Éponine saw Marius's eyes flash to Cosette and back at Enjolras. He must be thinking about what would happen if he were to die. What would happen to Cosette? Éponine thought it was an unimportant thought until she thought about what she would do if Enjolras or Marius, or worse, both of them were to die. She would be heartbroken driven to insanity and compelled to commit suicide again, her savior not there to save her that time. She shook the thought from her mind, Enjolras and Marius would be fine, they would not die and neither would anyone else.

Enjolras stood up and said, "Marius, can I speak to you in private please?" Before excusing himself from the table. Marius fumbled to get out of his chair and follow Enjolras outside the café.

Éponine watched them go wondering what they were talking about when her thoughts were interrupted by Cosette. "So, how's your relationship with Enjolras going?" She asked in her fake singsong voice.

Éponine scoffed, "Cut the crap Cosette, what do you really want".

Cosette mocked hurt and replied, "I was merely asking about your relationship with your boyfriend, I mean unless there isn't a real relationship" she said leaning forward and placing her head on her hands.

Éponine stood up appalled, "My relationship is real, realer than yours!"

Cosette leaned back in her chair and placed her hand on her chin, "Really? How so?"

Éponine was done putting up with this girl so she just let the words run from her mouth, "I've told Enjolras everything, EVERYTHING, about me. The darkest secrets that I keep he knows, the lowest moments of my life he's been there, he knows about my past. You know about my past too, don't you Cosette? Don't try to deny it and pretend you're some bourgeoisie girl with a rich father and a rich boyfriend. Oh no, you're a bourgeois want-to-be who lucked out when a random rich man wanted to adopt her because her mother died because she became a bloody prostitute-" she stopped when she felt a sharp pain in her cheek. Cosette was standing now, and her arm had just flung out to slap Éponine. Éponine's hand moved to her cheek, "What the hell?"

 Cosette pushed her down into a chair, "Now you listen to me you little rat, my mother was not a prostitute! She died trying to get money so I could live! Live in that shithole you called an inn! I was treated like a servant in that house! You treated me like your maid, when we simply could've been friends! I spent years of my life working for you and your family, trying to get them to love me, to care for me, but they never did! Finally when my Papa came along, I actually found someone who loved me. He cared for me and he treated me like I actually mattered! Not a piece of trash that was picked up off the side of the road!"

Tears were pouring down Cosette's face and Éponine stood up, "I'm sorry Cosette I truly am. I know it's now excuse but I always looked up to my parents. I thought they were the most righteous people alive. I swear that I'm truly sorry".

Cosette scoffed, "how do I know if anything you say is true?"

Éponine whirled on her and retorted, "I don't know, because I'm telling you the truth. How much of the truth have you told Marius? Have you told him how you actually knew me when we first "met"? Have you told him that you weren't always the perfect bourgeoisie rich girl he thinks you are? Have you told him how you were dirt poor? How you worked for my family in our inn?” Éponine sighed, "I think you can trust me way more than I can trust you, and she with Marius".

     Cosette let out a harsh laugh, "you think you're so honest and truthful, huh? Why don't you tell him" she said looking subtly over Éponine's shoulder.

Éponine didn't notice, "Tell him what, tell who what?" Éponine questioned Cosette.

A menacing smile spread across Cosette's face, "Why don't you tell your darling Enjolras that you've been USING HIM so that you can get Marius".

Éponine felt the color drain from her face, and she was about to reply and tell her side of the story, when she heard a heartbroken voice behind her say her name, it was Enjolras. He was listening the whole time.

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