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Enjolras awoke to a bright room filled with white light. When his eyes finally adjusted he could see he was in a small white room with only an exit way, no door, no windows, just a cut out in the wall. Everything looked clean, his clothes had even been replaced. Instead of his signature red jacket he wore a simple white shirt and white pants. He had no shoes on, yet the floor did not feel cold. Everything felt right about this place, but what was this place?

Enjolras stood up and began to walk down the long bright hallway. He could see another doorless exit, but it was so far away. When he was about halfway to the end of the hallway a silhouette appeared in the door way and began to walk towards him.

The figured walked as if it was on air, its white dress billowing behind her. Her bare feet were soft upon the ground and as she drew closer Enjolras could see her features clearer.

The first thing he noticed was her skin. It was clean, devoid of all the dirt, scars and bruises that once resided there. She has slightly curled brown hair that smoothly fell just above her waist, and her brown eyes shone brightly. Her familiar smile sent a rush through him. It was Éponine.

Their steps grew more rapid with each one they took and soon they were running down the hallway to each other. When she reached him she threw her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. "You're here", she whispered against his neck.

He hugged her tightly against him. It felt as if they had been separated for years and he just couldn't let her go. She kept herself latched onto him for a moment longer, her head nestled in the crook of his neck, before pulling away. She was smiling brightly at him, her eyes brimmed with tears. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her towards him so their lips touched. She welcomed the kiss gladly and automatically deepened it. She placed her arms around his neck and he dropped his to her waist.

Finally Enjolras pulled away, "Where is everyone else? They're here, right?" he asked eagerly, the thought of seeing his friends again excited him.

Éponine smiled, "Of course they're here. Come on, I'll take you to them", she said as she held out her hand. "Take my hand" she said soothingly, like an angel, and Enjolras felt something, maybe hope, grow inside him.

For the first time, as Éponine lead him down the hallway, Enjolras felt hope inside him. He felt hope because he was seeing his friends again, he felt hope for a new life, he felt hope for a new beginning with Éponine and his friends by his side.

As they approached the door Enjolras detected the familiar sound of a banter going on back and forth between his friends.

Éponine stopped by the door and turned to Enjolras, "Let me go in first and I'll help you create a grand entrance" she said with a smile.

Enjolras laughed, "Alright, whatever you want" he said as he kissed the top of her head.

Éponine nodded happily before going into the loud room, "Guys, hey guys?" she began, but she was getting no where. Enjolras heard her huff in annoyance before she shouted, "Guys!" All the chatter stopped abruptly and Éponine began again, "Thank you. Now I know you've all been waiting for this moment since he got here, and now it is finally here. I give you, your leader, Monsieur Enjolras" Éponine said in a mock announcer voice.

Enjolras took that as his cue to go and entered another room. This room looked exactly like the café, only everything was white. He smiled as he looked around and saw all the familiar faces. Bousset, Bahorel, Feuilly, Joly and Jehan all ran up to shake his hand and welcome him to this new café. He noticed someone was missing, Pontmercy. He turned to the group, "Where's Marius?" he asked.

The boys smiled, "He's miraculously still alive" answered Joly.

"Yeah his new father-in-law saved him" said Jehan.

"Now he's married to Cosette and they are both very happy" said Bahorel.

"At first he was missing us a lot and regretted being the only one to survive the barricade? But now, with Cosette, he isn't so upset or self-pitying. He's starting a new great part of his life" said Jehan.

Enjolras nodded and smiled at each of them, he had missed seeing their faces with a real authentic smile and light in their eyes.

They were followed by Courfeyrac who ran up and hugged Enjolras so tight he couldn't breath, "Good gracious man, next time you tell me to join your revolution remind me to say no!" Courfeyrac said with a laugh.

Enjolras smiled and hugged Courf back, "I'll keep that in mind. It's really great to see you" Enjolras said.

Courfeyrac smiled, "You too Enj, you too" he said before going to join the other boys.

Enjolras turned and saw Combeferre making his way towards Enjolras. Enjolras met him halfway and hugged Combeferre tightly. He had watched him die, a bullet piercing his skull, his brain, killing him immediately. "I'm really happy to see you again Ferre, I lost myself back there after you died, I didn't know what to do" Enjolras said sheepishly.

Ferre smiled, "What can you do without me, I'm your guide!" He said with a laugh.

Enjolras laughed and patted Combeferre on his shoulder, "Thanks for always being there for me, even though I was incredibly stupid and reckless".

Combeferre nodded, "What are friends for then?" he said before turing away.

Finally Enjolras saw with Grantaire. For once he actually could walk in a straight line, and had no liquor in his hand. Enjolras was shocked as he walked up and hugged him, "No liquor in this new café?" Enjolras asked sarcastically.

R laughed, "Very funny" he said with a smile, "I don't need it anymore. I saw what it did to me back there, I don't want that life for me now. Plus I think my dependence on it was washed out when I came here. This is a new beginning for me, for all of us. And I can't wait" R said enthusiastically.

Enjolras smiled and looked around the café. All the bright lights and white walls could not match the brightness of the smiles and happiness of the people that filled that room. They have been reunited and it was their chance to live the life they had always wanted. It was a chance for a new fresh start. Enjolras found Éponine and took her hand in his, their new life together can finally begin without anymore obstacles in their way. They could finally begin the life they had always wanted. Their dream could become a reality.

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