Chapter 34

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Éponine had been pacing in the room for who knows how long, an hour, maybe two. The door was locked and she could not find any other exit. She sat down in the corner and ran her fingers through her hair. She could not wait in suspense about what will happen next. Would it be her dreams come true? Or would it be her nightmares come to life? She stared at the door, praying something would happen. Suddenly the doorknob began to jiggle and her stomach dropped. She ran to the side of the door and picked up a piece of discarded wood on the floor. She concealed herself in the shadows as the door began to open towards her. She heard footsteps coming into the room, and she took a deep breath. Éponine took a step forward, closed her eyes and swung the wood piece and the person entering. She felt a hand grab her wrist and her eyes shot open. Her gaze was met with startled blue eyes,

"Good gosh Éponine, were you trying to kill someone?" Enjolras said with a smile. Éponine felt tears fill her eyes and she broke into a huge smile. Enjolras was here, her dream came true. She threw her arms around him and began to cry. He consoled her and hugged her tightly, "its ok, I'm here, I'm here" he said quietly to her. He pulled apart and said "come on, we have to get out of here. Some of the boys are outside waiting". 

She nodded silently and wiped the tears off her face. She took his hand and he squeezed it gently as they took their first steps out the door. As soon as they stepped out of the door Éponine heard a gun go off. She yelped and looked down at her body, she was fine. She looked up to Enjolras smiling, but that smile quickly dropped off her face.

Enjolras had released her hand and fell to the floor. Blood oozed out of his stomach as he let out a ragged breath. Éponine dropped to her knees and started trying to do something to stop the bleeding. "Éponine" Enjolras said softly, "Éponine you have to go".

She shook her head, "no, not without you" she said her voice cracking.

Suddenly a slow clap started and Montparnasse walked out of the shadows, gun in hand. "Now that was a very stirring performance" he said with a laugh.

Éponine felt the fury build up inside her, "YOU FILTHY BASTARD!" She screamed at him. She stood up and ran at him, but he easily pushed her aside.

He stepped forwards and raised the gun once more. Enjolras was trying to get up, but Montparnasse kicked him back down. "Nice try, but I win" and he pulled the trigger twice more.

Éponine screamed as she watched Enjolras's blood pool around him. She tried to run to his side, but Montparnasse grabbed her waist cackling. "It's over Ép! You're mine". And then everything went black. 


Éponine awoke with a start, sweat dripping down her face. She was alone. She breathed a sigh of relief, Enjolras was fine, it was just a dream. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness slowly, but by then all the memories flooded back to her. Montparnasse had her. Éponine stood and automatically searched for an exit. All the windows were boarded up, but then she saw the door just beyond the bed. However by the time she had begun to walk over to the door, it was slammed open, causing her to fall to the ground in surprise. A figure formed in the doorway and she knew this was what she had been dreading. She pushed herself back up, and scrambled to the back corner of the room. There was no escape from what was coming, but she could try to fight it. She ran at him, trying to get to the door. She dodged one arm, but the other hooked around her waist and she fell to the floor. He picked her up by her hair and dragged her to the nearby bed. She scratched at his hand in an attempt for him to release it, but it was only met with an amused laugh. She was shoved onto the bed and before she knew it someone was on top of her.

Montparnasse's face emerged from the shadows, and with a taunting voice he asked, "Now where were we?"

Éponine felt the fear and dread build up inside her, but she didn't know what to do, so she opened up her mouth and screamed as loud as she could. A sharp pain came to her face which cut off her screams.

"Do you have to be like this?" He asked exasperated.

She spit at his face and she could see it contort in rage.

"Fine then" he said, "if you want to be that way".

Éponine felt his hands on her body as he slammed his mouth onto hers. She squirmed uselessly under him as she felt him hiking up her skirt. She kicked her legs and swung her arms, but it was hopeless. She was trapped with no way out.

Suddenly the weight was taken off her and she jumped up and off the bed as fast as she could. She pulled her skirt down as she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. Thinking it was Montparnasse; she whirled around and slapped him hard across the face. However as her eyes adjusted she saw a man with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a red jacket. Enjolras. She threw her arms around him, and then felt him slowly return the hug. She pulled out of the hug and cupped his face smiling. He smiled back at her and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his arms looped around her waist.

She heard a crash behind her and broke apart. Montparnasse had stood up and shoved the bed aside. His left cheek was starting to swell from where Enjolras punched him and his eyes were red with fury. 

Enjolras pulled Éponine behind him as he started to back away from the enraged man. Suddenly Montparnasse began to run at the pair, and Enjolras swung his arm again. His fist collided with Montparnasse's face causing him to stumble backwards. Enjolras grabbed Éponine's hand and pulled her out the door. As they ran through the hallways, they were greeted by R and Ferre.

"Hey Éponine! Glad we could find you, but why are we running?" R questioned as gunshots sounded.

The four turned their heads and saw Montparnasse running down the hall, gun in hand. No one was shot, so they did their best to avoid the bullets.

Suddenly Enjolras stopped and released Éponine's hand. R, Ferre, and Éponine stopped and looked at Enjolras. He looked at R and Ferre and said, "get Éponine out of here, don't worry about me I'll be fine." He turned to Éponine and could see the tears forming in her eyes.

She took quick strides towards him, and grabbed his hand. She tried to pull him towards the door, she begged him to come with her. "Enjolras, please. Don't do this, come with me, come with us. We all need you".

Enjolras placed one hand lovingly on her face, "Éponine you have to trust me. I will be fine, okay?" He asked gently. 

She shook her head at first, but finally let go of his hand and whispered, "okay".

He nodded and kissed her head before turning and running the opposite way.

R and Ferre grabbed both of her hands and pulled her down the hall and out onto the streets. Once they were outside they ran to a nearby alley and stopped. R, Ferre, and Éponine all turned to look at the house waiting, hoping that Enjolras would return. R began to pace up and down the alley, while Combeferre stood silently watching the house. Éponine sat against the alley wall, tears streaming silently down her face. Suddenly a gunshot went off.

Éponine screamed "No!" And jumped up and out of the alley before either R or Ferre could stop her.

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