Chapter 1

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Here we gooooo!!❤️

Breaking up a sexual encounter wasn't in my job description.

If I was being even more honest with myself, stealing books from the library and bringing them home wasn't in my job description either. But since no one complained about that little fact yet, I was willing to let the guilt go.

It wasn't as if I was actually stealing the books, I mean I worked here for Gods sake, it was mostly just borrowing till I found a way to bring them back.

While some people might find that characteristic quirky, or something equally insulting, I guess other people would consider me socially awkward. I was the girl who always had a snide comment on her tongue and never followed the latest fashions.

And even if I did, it wasn't like I had the money to actually buy anything worth wearing. My hair would never make it on the cover of some fashion magazine and my eyes were this weird grey color that seemed to freak people out.

The one and only time I ever stepped into Victoria Secret was my freshmen year and that was only because my best friend, Kelsey, had her face practically glued to a pair of thongs.

Love is a word I would probably either curse the Gods for making possible or would find in the comfort of my couch as I stayed up late eating handfuls of popcorn, ogling over some leading mans abs.

The only kiss I ever got was from Matthew Mills and that was in seventh grade on a truth or dare. Even then, it pretty much sucked since somehow during our fabulous make-out extraordinaire he kept getting his elbows stuck in my side and my hair tangled in his thin, long fingers.

So as I turn the corner, a stack of books that Mrs. Jane the old library worker with the beak like nose gave me to put away, I find the one and only Jason MCcann  pushed up against another girl, making out as if their whole future depended on it. And right then and there I knew this wasn't what my job entitled me to deal with.

I watched as the girl seemed to groan like a dying dog as Jason's hand traveled up her blouse, getting closer and closer to her size B boobs that she tried to shove in a size A bra.

She brought her hands over her head and tried to hold onto the bookshelf behind her in some kind of sexy move as Jason's mouth tipped lower, traveling down her neck and over her exposed chest. Everyone, including me, knew who Jason MCcann was.

Him and his dick got around campus a lot and a lot of girls were either jumping at the fact to slightly touch him or turning their noses up with pure disgust for someone even mentioning his name.So yes, he got around. Just like he was getting around right here in front of me.

Sadly, I would have just gone on my way, leaving them to do what they had to, but Ms. Jane would have had my neck if she knew I did. I was already on thin ice as it was at my pathetic job. Plus seeing them sucking necks was kind of grossing me out.

Hey, I'm all for sex. I'm not like one of those old prunes that go around drowning people in holy water just for thinking of the words condom. But I sure in hell didn't want to see or hear other people getting it on.Anyways, the library would be the last place I could see myself getting anything sexy started.

Imagine all those aids and teen pregnancy books staring down at you as you practically committed sin on the floor? Hamlet plays staring at me? Ugh, had enough of that in tenth grade thank you.

I shivered a little as I plastered a bright smile on my face and huffed the books closer to my chest and brought in a deep breath. Might as well have a little fun. Right? Hell, I was already stuck in the library and ruining Jason's good time seemed like the ideal thing to do.

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