Chapter 37

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"I'll kill him. I will take his balls and throw them in lake Michigan, where they can swim with all the fishes. No, better yet, I will catch him on fire and you and me can watch him burn. No, that's not good enough. How about we get in my car, run him over, then get lawn chairs and watch him lie there and die. "

Kelsey shakes her head, her hands on her hips. Her lips are in a tight line, full of frustration and she keeps walking back and forth.

I sit on my bed with Kayla, who was running her hands through my hair. She stops playing with my it and leans over, muttering under her breath.

"I never knew she could be so violent. Did you?"

I scrub my hand over my red eyes and look back up at Kelsey. From the moment I told her about Jason and the bet, she has been going on a vocal rampage, giving me all these scenarios on what I could do to Jason.

   I had to agree with Kayla. Who knew Kelsey could be so .. violent? Even if it was in her head.

Though, I am kind of violent too because a lot of the options she was giving me were sounding pretty good at the moment.

Kelsey finally stops walking back and forth and takes a deep breath. "Okay, maybe that was a little harsh. But, to make a bet on love? I mean, why are boy's such stupid idiots! They don't even know the meaning of the word love and they like to throw it around as if it is nothing."

True, the bet was stupid. I was also stupid for believing in Jason. But, deep down, I know that he meant what he said.

Which hurts even more. I want to just lay here, drowning in my misery, but Kayla and Kelsey showed up, refusing to let me.

When I called Kayla, asking for Jason's number, she called Kelsey and told her she was worried about me.

Well, when they come over and notice that I didn't come home for the night , it just fumed their worry.

Thankfully they covered for me when it came to my parents, saying I stayed with them. When I parked Mason's truck and I saw Kelsey and Kayla pull up behind me, I broke down and they were there to catch me.

This is why I love them so much.

"I really thought you too had the real thing. "Kayla breaths and then she moves and looks at me, her eyes now narrowed.

"Now, to more important things. I know it, Kelsey knows it, but I want you to say it. What were you doing at Jason's house last night. "

Even though I am pissed,  beyond upset, I blush. Remembering the things he did and how much I liked it, made me feel .. a little guilty that it was so good. Kelsey see's my now flushed cheeks and her mouth falls open.

Like literally, open.

Kayla, even though she is just as mad at Jason as I am, tries to hide her smile. She looks at me seriously, finally not able to conceal the smile any longer.

"My little Mia? No longer a virgin? Is this real life!?"

I reach behind me and I throw a pillow at her head. She catches it and laughs and Kelsey is there to derail the laughing train.

'The only problem is that it had to be that dick you gave it too. I swear Mia, I told you this would happen. "

I wasn't really in the mood to hear her gloat. I swing my tired legs over the bed and Kayla fumbles off the bed and Kelsey watches me with alert eyes.

"I'm just hungry. Whats the point of sitting here in my misery? It's not like it is goign to change anything. " 

  I open the door and I know they are behind me without looking. I see Mason's door open and I try not to look in.

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