Chapter 6

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I loved writing this chapter, Just saying :)

I should have known that everything revolves around Jason.

Hell, if it wasn't girls shoving their tongues down his throat, then his annoying friends would be near, making comments to girls walking by and trying to get in every and any girls pants.

When I open the door and I see him leaning against the back wall, one leg kicked up lazily and his thumbs jammed into his belt loops, I knew it was him who sent the notes.

I push my way past people shouting orders and waitresses trying to send people their food and I march my way too him, my eyes not once leaving his body.

I never noticed, maybe because I never took the time to look at him, but on his right arm he had a cross tattoo

It was black and the points of the cross was pointed to a perfect v. Under it was cursive letters in Spanish and I wanted to run my finger over the tattoo and ask him what it meant.

I shake that feeling away and I scoot out of the way as a chair slings across the floor and I blink to get the feeling of smoke out of my eyes.

The place smells like food, grease, and perfume. Something totally different from the Starbucks I was just at.

Jason turns his head and his eyes sweep across the place and the minute those eyes that look like the sea meet mine, his face breaks out into a slow smile.

I don't give him one back and soon I'm right in front of him. I cross my arms over my chest and jason raises an eyebrow.

"Well?" I say to him a little annoyed and he leaves that stupid eyebrow raised while he leans a little closer to me, his finger still in his belt loops.

"Well what?"

I watch his lips say the words slowly and I get my eyes off his lips and scowl at him instead. It was more satisfying.

I shove my hand in my back pocket, get the loads of sticky notes in one hand, and slap it against his big stupid muscular chest.

"That what." I tell him and he looks from me then to the notes.

He fingers them and I move my hand out of the way before his finger can graze my hand. The sticky notes fly to the ground and Aiden looks at them.

"Tell me something, "He says, not bothering to even look at the sticky notes that are scattering to the floor . His eyes are solely on mine now .

"Would you like to tell me why I kicked that guy's ass the other night?"

I huff and look at the table that was by us and I walk to it, scraping a chair back and slumping in the chair. Aiden watches in amusement and I wait for him to take the seat across from me before I even continue.

I realized, it was easier to sit than stand so close to him.

"No one told you to fight for me. " Jason leans back in his chair and sits one hand on the table, the lights hitting his dark hair.

"Oh, I see , Ms. Mia Hastings don't like being saved?" I snort and look at him in all seriousness.

"Not when the guy insists on doing something stupid. I mean, I could have totally of taken him. " A total lie, but I hated looking vulnerable in front of people.Jason shakes his head and the corner of his mouth twitches in amusement.

"What?" I ask and he runs a hand through his hair, pulling a little at the front. It sticks out from in-between his finers.

"Well, you kinda amaze me. " I push the shock of him calling me amazing and think of something else.

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