Chapter 13

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You will get more Justin I promise Xx

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You will get more Justin I promise Xx

I'm tired, hot, and wet.

When Kelsey picked me up she took one look at me and laughed her pretty little behind off. I didn't even bother to say anything to her because:

One, I was still mulling over what happened in the boat and two:

I wasn't in the mood to talk about my love life with her.

The whole ride home was spent with my head against the window, the cat earrings on the floorboard along with my socks,  and my feet tucked under me. Kelsey didn't really say much and neither did I.

I just wanted to get home and take a shower.

I stick my key in the keyhole and I wave to Kelsey from the door. She honks a little honk and drives off and I twist the key, hoping I was quiet enough not to wake my mom and dad.

The door swings open and I notice the lights off in the foyer, kitchen and living room. I guess everyone was sleeping.

I drop my key on the little table by the door and I trudge up the stairs, my shorts rubbing against my legs.

I really hate when that happens.

The minute I see my bathroom door, I feel like I am in heaven. I sling the door open, wincing only when the bang rings out through the quiet house.

I barely remember to shut the door as I pull off my bandanna and then cross my arms and pull my shirt over my head.

I start to take off my shorts and flick them off with my feet. I start to unravel my braid with one hand as I go to bend over and turn on the faucet.

My hand lands on the round thing and when I turn it to the right ... Nothing happens.

I furrow my eyebrows and I put both hands on the faucet and I turn the thing to the right harder, trying to turn it on.

Only when I slip and fall on my stomach, half way in, half way out, do I remember what Mason said to me about my shower not working.

I look at the door and bite my tongue. Pulling up to the house I didn't see Mason's car, so that probably meant that Justin and Mason were off somewhere.

I click my tongue and rub a hand through my knotty hair. Okay, it would only take me about five minutes to hop in and out.

   True, It would have to be the fastest shower I ever taken in human history, but It had to be done.

Some sacrifices have to be made.

I open the door and I stick my head out, my hands over my black bra. When I see that the hallway is clear, I run out fast and I have the right impulse to creak open Masons door and check inside before I practically throw myself in there.

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