Chapter 22

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When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is touch my cheek.

The memories of last night come rushing back to me and I roll over on my stomach and stick my face in my pillow.

Maybe I could smother myself? Because there was no way I could face Justin after my humiliating display on the walk way.

When he pulled back he probably saw my eyes closed and lips puckered and right then and there he probably realized how much I liked him.

I hear someone call my name, but I don't bother lifting my head from my pillow. I hear my door open and I lift my head a little to see my father walk in and shut the door behind him.

I smack my face back to the pillow and mumble.

"Sorry, but I can't hear you when you have your face in a pillow. " My dad says and I mumble louder so he can hear what I said.

"Go away, " I say into the pillow and I can hear him sigh.

The bed dips where he sits down and this time I lift my head out of the pillow and leave it up. I narrow my eyes at him.

He looks at my face with wide eyes.

"Sorry I can't sweetie. It was originally your mother who wanted to come check up on you but I stopped her before she could take the first step. I don't even know how I deal with that woman in the morning, so why would I make you? "

If there is anyone who can make me laugh in the morning and while I'm in the worse mood ever, it would be my father.

His brown eyes crinkle under his skin when he smiles and his graying hair was slicked back.

He used to work out when he was younger so now he had these beefy arms and a few tattoo's hidden beneath his sleeves.

I have no idea how he and my mother ended up together, since they are the complete opposites, but they loved each other.

Even if they do both make fun the other one.

My father claps his hands together seriously.

"Okay. I promised your mother that I would talk about why you are still in bed and what is upsetting you. "

I open my mouth about to deny everything and just say I was tired when my father holds up his hand to stop me.

"She also said you would deny everything and blame your mood on the fact that you are tired. I don't know how these things go, but I am pretty sure that is what you were about to do weren't you?"

I snap my mouth shut and don't say anything. My father nods like he suspected as much.

It's quiet now and my father lets out his breath as if it hurts. It probably does, because he is never the one to deal with these kinds of things.

Usually it's my mother who comes and has the 'you are perfect' speeches.

My father leans over and whispers.

"What does your mother usually say in these type of situations? " I sit up and cross my legs. My hair is up in some kind of nest but I don't bother to mess with it.

"Hmm, she would first ask what happened and then she would force what happened out of me when I refused to say what happened. Then when I tell her what did happen, she would either give me advice, tell me to get over it, or make me a sundae. "

I add in the last sentence and my father looks at me as if he knew that my mother didn't do that.

"So, I have three options?"

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