Chapter 35

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   Finding Jason's house is harder than I thought. Since I never took the time to figure out where he lived or why he lives where he lived, it never really mattered to me. 

I mean, I also never thought I would be heading to his house. Or that I would ever choose him over Justin.

I wipe more tears from my face and the rain outside makes it hard for me too see. My hands shake a little and I reach over in the passenger seat for my cell phone.

Luckily I didn't bring it inside the first time around.

When the light I am at turns red, I dial a number and flip down my mirror. My eyes are red and I rub my fingers under them, maybe hoping it would stop the tears.

I don't know, it was worth the effort. All I knew at that moment was I hurt someone and I felt bad about it.

I also was wondering if it was stupid of me to go to Jason's looking like this but at the moment I really didn't care.

"Ello!" A cheery voice says on the other side and I flip the mirror up and press the gas pedal on the old truck as I hear Kayla's laughter. I hear cheering in the background and then her voice comes through, directed to someone else.

" Can you all shut up! Best friend on the phone; show me some respect!" More people yell and I hear Kayla laugh then I hear the noise disappear and a door shutting. "Okay, I am outside know. What's up?"

I sigh and I just keep driving straight, having no idea where I was going. But at this moment in time I wasn't really worried about it.

"Remember when you went to that party awhile back? Wasn't it at Jason's house?"

I can literally picture her raising her eyebrows. I hear music beating in the background and I realize she was at another one of those parties at this moment.

"Yes ... "

She waits for me to elaborate and I blink a couple of times to maybe prevent the tears that were still falling. Maybe my mind was making me suffer?

"I need to know where it's at. " I say to her, not wanting to tell her why. I hear her mumble something that sounded like an insult and then I hear something along the lines of static and then the music gets louder.

"Hang on! " She yells and then I hear people shouting along to some kind of game. While Kayla goes on her expedition, I keep my mind busy on the wet road.

The rain really was going down hard and the Storm seemed like it was just getting started. I have no idea how anyone could begin to party in this weather.

"Brain , " I hear Kayla say to someone. "Jason. Where does he live? " I hear words getting exchanged and I move to a different lane for a car can pass me. Masons car really was a piece of junk.


"Mia, the address is 13078 Kent Dr. He lives by the old farm house, in the white two story house. You know the street, the one with the abandoned field down the road? The party sophomore year?"

I know where she is talking about and I swing my car into another lane and turn my turn blinkers on.

The old farm house wasn't far from where I am know. I hear Kayla mumble a thank you, more static, and then the music fades away again.

"Mia, what is going on? You left the dance a mess, didn't even call Kelsey or me to check in too see if you are alright, Which might I add had Kelsey stressed out, and then you call me asking about Jason's house? Are you in trouble? Need help? Someone to kick someones ass?"

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