Chapter 7

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I know two updates :)

" You moaned !"

I look over at Kelsey for the fifth time and shake my head. I bring the pink nail polish to my toes and I paint with my left hand, trying to keep the paint in the lines of my nail.

Which wasn't working out too well.

"Over the fries." I state again for the seventeenth time and Kelsey who was standing in front of my mirror, rubbing my facial cream on her face, gives me a look in the mirror's reflection.

"Since when do you moan over fries? My god Mia, you were probably all over him." She says, running more white cream on her forehead and down her face.

I laugh, half from her statement and half from the fact that my toes look like shit. Literally they didn't look good.

"Please, I pushed him away. I'm not even going to give Jason the joy of seeing me react." I bite my tongue as I take the bottle of nail polish remover and touch some of the liquid to the edge of a pad and start to rub at my skin harshly, trying to get the pink off.

"Oh, yeah, Moaning isn't reacting. " She caps the facial and turns around in the mirror, her eyes narrowed. I look at her face, covered all in white, and I try to hold in my laugh.

There was no way someone could look mean or intimidating with facial cream all over their face and a grey oversized hoodie.

"Listen, it doesn't matter. What matters is that Justin hasn't said one word to me except hi since he got here." Kelsey lets out an aggravated sigh and slams herself on my bed.

What? It wasn't like I have been talking about him all night.

It's true though. I have waited and waited for him to talk to me, but sincetwo days ago, he hasn't even really looked my way. I have tried to get his attention, every way I could. But, he never budged. Sure, the thing with Jason yesterday was .. you know what, I'm not even going to think about it.

Or him.

"Ohhh, Kelsey, lets spy!" The idea comes to me suddenly and I hop on the bed, my toes still wet. I shake her legs, playing the part. Right now, I was in the mood to do something stupid and immature.

She glares at me as I still shake her and I pinch her side. "Pleaseeee." I try to pout but I'm pretty sure It didn't look that good or right because I had facial cream all over my face too.

She looks at me as if I was crazy. " What, you wanna stalk him?" I roll my eyes as if that was ridiculous. I mean. stalking could get you in some serious shit. I just wanted to scout the scene. Make sure it was clear before I made my mark.

"No, stupid, I want to see if he is available. What if he isn't and that is why he hasn't showed interest?" I know it sounded crazy, but I really needed to know. I didn't want to put my all into a guy only for it all to come crashing down faster than I could build it.

At my declaration, her eyebrows go up and she pats my cheek lightly. " Or, you know, he isn't interested. "

"Oh, please, who wouldn't love this ?" I push up my boobs to make them look bigger and suck in some of the belly fat I still had. I pop my lips out and try to give Kelsey a smoldering look and Kelsey ends up laughing, pushing my face from hers.

"You do that and I promise you that no one will even bother looking your way. " I smile and beg with my eyes, blinking rapidly , and Kelsey looks at the ceiling.

"I am going to regret this aren't I?" I hop off the bed quick before she can change her mind. With Kelsey, it was better to start whatever bad idea you had planned before you changed her mind. That way, she couldn't contemplate everything that could and will go wrong.

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