Chapter 33

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The first thing that comes to my mind when I wake up in the morning is that I am going to find Jason.

Turns out, it is me who is going to have to pull on the big girl pants and demand to know what the hell went on last night.

When I watched him leave, I seriously felt like everything that has happened so far just went away. Yeah, that sounds a little melodramatic, but it did.

Of course, Justin rushing out and seeing me crying didn't help matters at all. It just reminded me of the kiss me and him shared and how he told me that he cared for me, just made everything else a mess.

I let Kelsey and Kayla drag me to my room, the whole time me protesting that I was fine. The minute they left, I got a glass of water, threw the dress in the closet and called in quiets.

I ended up drowning some sleep medicine and didn't mind if I didn't wake up for a week or two. That way I could have avoided this whole thing.

I sigh as I pull my hair into a bun and slip on a t-shirt and jeans. I have no idea where Jason could be or where he lived.

I guess that meant I had to ask around. It also meant that I needed to borrow my brothers truck for the whole thing.

Yeah, I'll admit, the ball was a disaster, but it was also the most amazing thing. I mean, I finally got to kiss Jason! And let me tell you, he did not disappoint.

Things practically turned to hell from there, but I was on my way to fix all of that at this exact moment.

I dare the dick to say I didn't care.

I push open my door and look out. My brothers door is open and I scoot my way across the wall, my back grazing it. I bring in my breath and hold it till I finally make it to the edge of the stairs.

Okay, maybe I was avoiding Justin. I know it was mean, but I justcouldn't handle turning him down after everything. He said he cared about me and I cared about him too, just not in the way he cared for me.

How do you even begin to tell someone that?!

I turn a little and stick my head in Masons doorway and when I see my brother laying on his bed, with no shirt and turning drumsticks in his hands, I sigh in relief.

I could only handle one boy today.

I have no idea why Mason has the drumsticks in the first place. He wasn't the most musical talented person in the world, and I doubt he even knew how to play drums.

I walk into his room and stick my hand out, stopping the movement with my fingers. He looks up at me lazily, not even bothering to comment on why I stopped him, and I put a hand on my hip.

"Give me your keys. " I demand , not in the mood for politeness at this point. He raises an eyebrow at me and starts to twirl his drumsticks again, his eyes on the ceiling.

"Oh, I don't know, a please could of helped. " I huff and I see the keys on the dresser and I march over to them, snatch them off the slick surface, and jiggle them to get his attention.

He looks at me with an eyebrow raised and I smirk a little.

"Please. " I beg mockingly and he rolls his eyes and I turn, a smile still on my face, and run into the wall.

But in reality, it wasn't the wall at all. I step back and rub my nose and when I see that it was actually Justin I ran into, I end up taking another step back and almost trip on Masons underwear.

Did he ever clean?

"H-hey. " I stumble over my words, a little uneasy. Last night comes rushing back to me and I want to duck and run in between his legs and runaway forever in Mason's truck. Embarrassment can only go so damn far.

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