Chapter 21

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I was an idiot.

I promised myself so long ago never to like a girl. I swore to myself I never would and here I am, falling for Mia Hastings.

I didn't plan it, no. I did plan on using her. I planned on having her fall for me and using that 200$ for myself. I planned all of this that day in the bar when I saw her laughing.

I never suspected her to be the way she was. The girl surprised me. That kissed surprised me.

That kiss.

I groan and rub my hand over my face. I have no idea how she did it, but she made me lose control.

The way she was up against me, her body on mine, her breath damp and hot on my neck was enough to be my breaking.

When her lips touched me, It felt like my world exploded.

I groan again. Great, I sounded like a fucking hallmark card. This is why I don't fall for girls.

They make you feel things and start writing poems in your head. I didn't even know if I liked this girl, but I knew I was heading there.

I was on the fast track for falling hard for her. Real hard. I needed to get off the tracks for awhile and clear my mind.

I needed to realize what I was doing, because that look on Mia's face tonight made my gut twist into a knot.

I remember the way she looked at me as she backed away from me. Her face looked like it was making a decision.

Her decision was the guy who left and not me.

The one right in front of her.

But, she stayed. She teased me like she always did when around me and before she turned, I saw a ghost of a smile.

It was enough to make me smile.

This was getting ridiculous. Enough to make me smile? The fuck was what? It sounded like something some love sick boy would sing to some girl. I was not some love sick nerd and I would never end up as one.

I bring my hand out and I tear off the eyebrows. I drop them on my dresser and I head to take the wig off.

I throw it on the floor and start to run my fingers through my messy black hair. I shimmy my way out of the coat and when I go to throw it on the floor, my tattoo flashes in the mirror.

I bring my finger out and I start to trace the words in Spanish. When my father went, I never thought I could really feel again. When he died, he took a lot with him.

He took the old me.

The me who could have told Mia how he felt. The old me who would have treated Mia how she deserved to be treated.

Brittany was right that night. She needed a bad boy and deep down I wasn't one. I liked to pretend I was, this new me has always been a part of me, but the old me is still here too.

I shake my head and turn my head from the mirror.

I rip the mustache off my lip and I rub my skin as I reach the end of my shirt and I pull it over my head.

I throw the old thing on the ground and head to the bathroom.

I don't even get a chance to shut the door, before a hand comes out and stops it. I sigh and I see Kyle's head pop in.

"You dressed? I don't need my eyes hurting tonight. " He comments and I see that he has his head turned away. I shake my head.

"I'm butt naked bro, " I say to him and he bends his head and looks at me.

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