Chapter 28

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"You think she's dead?"

Those are the first words I hear as I turn on my side and sigh happily into my pillow.

When I snuck in last night at three in the morning, my only thoughts were on Jason and my bed. And here I was, enjoying one of them.

    I feel something tickle my nose and I bring my hand out and slap away whatever it was.

"Well, if she was, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be moving. " I hear a different voice state. Okay, this was so not part of my dream.

Were my dream involved me and the boy with the black hair tousling tongues like he did with that girl in the library, this was just sad.

I feel something tickle my nose again and the little bits of my dream are washed away and I crack my eyes open. I see a pair of brown eyes, a smile, and a few freckles in my face.

"Hi there!" I startle and jump back. I feel myself tip over and soon I'm crashing to the ground, my blankets and pillows following me.

I lay on my back and groan. I see Black hair, with red highlights come into my view and see Kayla with her hands on her hips, looking down at me.

"Well, look who decided to join us?" I hear a laugh and I lift up on my elbows to see Kelsey spread out on my bed, her head hanging off the edge looking at me, her feet entwined above her head

"Kayla thought you were dead, "

"Dead as dead could be, " Kayla pipes in and Kelsey looks at me serious now, dropping the smile.

"You see, the math is simple. You usually call one of us at least once a day. "

"Once a day, " Kayla throws in, yet again.

"And when you did not call us, we thought something happened. " She gives me a look, her feet still intertwined.

I lift up further and push the hair out of my face. My blankets follow with me, since I was now in a cocoon of them.

"Happened as in, you know, some creepy stalker dude getting you. You know, that stuff happens in real life. Plus, my little butterfly, "

Kayla says, stepping closer so that now she was leaning over me.

"You didn't answer your phone. "

"Nope. " This time, Kelsey is the one who pipes in. I give her a look, she gives me one back, I give Kayla a look, and she smiles.

"So, I came to the conclusion you were dead. " She smiles bigger, as if she was a genius, and I snort.

Please, her a genius? I must have been dead. I bring my hand up, for one of them to help me up, and Kelsey sighs and grabs my hand.

After having to wrestle with the blankets that were tangled all around me, I finally make it on the bed in one piece, my pillows and blankets following along with Kayla.

It's quiet and I know they were waiting for me to speak. I mean, what do I say?

That, yeah, I had the best night of my life? That night also included Jason? That I think I was falling for him, fast?

Uh, yeah. I could see where that would do. Kayla would get excited and want to know everything, down to what I was wearing.

Kelsey would shake her head and give me the low down on how to stay away from him and what would I do? Block them both out and imagine the night all over again.

Since, you know, that's all I've been doing since I got back.

I sigh, giving up. "I went on a date with Jason."

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