Chapter 24

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Long chapter and unedited sorry Xxx

I have imagined this moment since the first time I met Jason.

Okay, that sounded a little like a confession, I mean I just admitted that I thought about Jason in my spare time, but let's face it.

How could you not think of him?

He was infuriating, cocky, and always there.

In my fantasies, the dates I ever went on with Jason usually involved something thrilling. Something that ended with us both in jail or something along those criminal lines.

Those dreams were back when I though I really knew Jason. Now, I have no idea where we were heading. In all honesty, I have no idea if he even knows where he is heading.

It was easy to get past my parents. I mean, they were so into each other when I left, I could have said I was going to the moon and they would have gave me money.

  Mason ... He still didn't believe me about the whole 'Date' thing so that meant I had to sneak past him, which wasn't easy.

Justin kept giving me these little looks and I'm sure I would have given him a few looks back if I wasn't so worried about Jason.

This frustrates me.

I said I would totally be all for Justin and here I was in Jason's shiny black car, heading to God knows where.

I didn't want to think about what it meant. Nor did I want to acknowledge the thrill I was getting just sitting here.

Me and Jason.

On a date.


Yeah, that alone would make a girl swoon.

I keep telling myself that it doesn't mean anything though. If I did, then that would bring up the whole thrill and feelings scenario and I sure in hell didn't want to think about that.

Instead, I focus on my hands. I mean, No one could embarrass themselves by looking at their hands, right? But, I'm wrong.

Because Jason is always there to make me looks like an ass.

"Those most be some interesting hands, " he comments to the silent air and I look up at him to see that he has one hand on the wheel and the other slung around the back of my seat.

"Seems to be the only thing interesting in this car. "I say back to him, shooting what I think is a good comeback. He takes his eyes off the road and he looks me up and down and smirks.

"Ouch. I think that was my non ego you just wounded there. "

I roll my eyes and I see a ghost of a smile on his face before he turns his head and turns his attention back to the road.

I look forward and when I still have no idea where we are going, my curiosity takes over. I look over at Jason and sigh.

"Okay, where are we going?"

"It's a secret, "He says just as quickly as I open my mouth, as if he knew I was going to ask this. I pull on my shorts and glare at him.

"Cute. But I am being serious. "

I still glare at him, waiting to see what he was going to say. I see him smile, still looking at the road.

"So am I . "

I give up and don't bother saying anything back. Honestly? He would just fight back and the whole thing could go on for hours.

  If there was one thing me and Jason both have in common, it was that we both were stubborn idiots.

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