Chapter 38 (LAST CHAPTER)

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This moment is everything I need it to be.

Right now I have the opportunity to make things right with Justin. If that is even possible. I look at him and he looks at me and the air is charged.

I need him to make the first move because I have no idea what is going on right now. I have no idea what he is going to say or how he is going to do it.

He takes a step forward and then takes two back. I think he is at an indecision and I don't blame him. I mean, who could?

I have no idea if I could look at the person who broke my heart and still have a conversation with them. Heck, I don't think I would even stick around to hear what they had to say.

He clears his throat, something that seems loud in the moment, and I close my eyes slowly. I lean against the island and take in a deep breath for the seventh time that minute.

At that moment it felt like anything could happen.

Everything could go right.

Everything could go wrong.

"I heard. " He says quietly and my eyes spring open. That is not even close to what I suspected him to say. I was thinking something along the lines of ' I hate you and never want to see your face again.'. But, instead, I am left with this.

He must see the confusion on my face because he shakes his head, running his hands through his brown hair. It flies everywhere and his hands tense a little.

    "I mean I heard what Julio said to you. I was outside when he showed up." Okay, that was even more shocking.

I remember seeing someone outside and I realize that it must of been him. That means he heard about Jason and the bet. Heard every freaking thing. I bring my hand up to my forehead and rub little circles, closing my eyes again.

"If you are here to gloat, I do not need to hear it. I am going through so much that I can't even think about you gloating and telling me that you were right. "

I hear him walking toward me and I keep my head down. I open my eyes again and I see his feet in front of me. I look up, my hand still on my forehead, and he shakes his head sadly.

"I don't hate you Mia. I could never hate you. " I let a relieved sigh. I have been holding this ... feeling since the day I told him and I am so happy I can let it go. Here I thought he hated me, but now he was standing here, telling me he didn't.

I meet his eyes which were full of so much sorrow and depth and .. hurt, that it was hard to look at him. But, I owed him that much.

"Thank you, " I try to betray to him how much it means to me that he said that. I don't think I could have went my whole life knowing that he hated me even the smallest of bits.

He must see the relieved look on my face because he lifts his hand, it hovering between us. He looks at me a little longer and then he sets it on my cheek.

I feel it there, warm and caring, and I wish I could lean into it. But, I can't. My heart lies with another boy, someone who is not in front of me.

     "I don't understand. I'm hurt, beyond so, but what can I do? I don't own you and you chose the path you wanted to take. I am just going to have to handle that and move on. God .. It's going to be hard, I just - "

His voice breaks and he shakes his head, looking at a point over my head as if he can't look at me any longer.

I lift my hand and I lay it on top of his, in a gesture meant to be comforting, and his eyes move and land back on mine.

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