Chapter 17

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The only time I have ever wore a dress was when I went to my Aunt's wedding.

Which was in fifth grade and my dress was made out of glittery material and when I wore it I insisted to my mother I had to have a tiara, since back then I thought I was a princess.

I run my hands through the dress that went just a little above my knees. My finger wraps around the white and I turn in the mirror and look at my butt and decide that it didn't look half bad.

My hair, which was usually pin straight, was in long curls and clipped in the back with a cute little beret that Kayla bought from some little store off Main Street.

The only thing that I would not budge on was my shoes.

I look at Kayla from the mirror and I see her holding up a pair of heels. She has them in one hand and she is pouting, her lips out at the perfect length.

Kelsey lies on my bed, flipping though some magazine that I had for years. For some reason I could never find the motivation to throw out.

"Just let her wear the flip flops, "Kelsey says, not even bothering to look up from her spot.

I sigh and so does Kayla. She throws the heels on the floor and flops on the bed, earning a glare from Kelsey.

"You are lucky you even got me in this dress, "I look back down at it and notice that maybe I was showing too much leg.

I didn't really go in public looking all dressed up. I usually just wore a t-shirt and shorts. I was a tom boy I guess.

I guess it was weird in a way that I and Justin were getting ready for our 'friend date' in the same house, but I guess that was what happens when the person you like is living in the same house as you.

"Oh, it's just a dress. Plus, it isn't even really a dress. It's like something a baby would were to a family barbecue."

'Are you saying that we should have got that dress you wanted her to have? God, that thing had so much cheetah print on it that It looked like she came from the zoo or something. "

Kayla shrugs and looks at her nails.

"Some men like their women wild, " I put my hand up to stop her. I did not need to hear about all the kinky things she has done in her life.

I walk over to my mirror and slip on the white flip flops that I bought and I finally felt the night sink in.

I was going on a freaking date!

Friend date.

Ugh, I hated how my mind had to correct me every time I said 'Date'. You would think I would be basking in the glory of finally being able to be alone with Justin, but my mind kept whispering little doubts to me.

Your just friends.

Yeah, but that could change. I look up at the clock and see the little 9:00 stare me down.

I take a deep breath and spin around in my dress, just for the fun of it. There is only so many times that one would find me in one.

"Nervous?" Kelsey asks me, looking up from the magazine.

I nod my head a little and start to run my hands over my head. Kelsey stands up and grabs her keys and Kayla walks over and lays her hands on my shoulder.

"Breath, "She looks at me seriously and I take in a big gulp of air and end up chocking on it.

This had to be a sign that everything was going to go wrong. I beat my chest and Kayla starts to smack my back and Kelsey watches the whole thing with disband.

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