Chapter 5

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   "Despite the fact that you completely violated the rules of this library, but you also violated me as a person. Honestly, Mia, I expected more from you as a person. As a human being. Don't make this a habit."

Mrs. Jane says again, her voice droning on and on.  I sigh and stop looking at the stain on the floor and meet her hard eyes. I bite the inside of my mouth to stop myself from saying something I would regret.

I knew when I showed up to the library she would be pissed and angry at me, but I wasn't expecting to get five more speeches about me as a human and a person.

Again and again and again.

"Oh, and about your friends. I swear, maybe you can look -" I go back to looking at the stain as I lean back in the chair that occupied the desk in front of me. While Mrs. Jane did have good facts, I just didn't feel like hearing it for the sixth time.

So I focused on trying to get Justin to notice me. So far, whatever I try to do fails miserably.

Yesterday, after we shared I guess you could call a 'moment' outside, I haven't talked to him since. He was too busy with the firewood and unpacking that I didn't see him or my brother for the rest of the night.

Which didn't matter anyway because half the night involved me staring at my ceiling. I felt nervous and anxious and that feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away.

I would replay his words until the meaning of them didn't have one and his face blurred with my memories till he became nothing more but a blob. If this is what falling for someone felt like, I was head over heels.

"You know what Mia? Just go ahead and fix the books in the back since you are not listening." I let out my breath and I put the chair on all fours and stand up, glad to get out of there already.

Without bothering to correct Mrs. Jane, because I really wasn't paying attention anyway, I go to the back to organize the books I already organized yesterday.

   I go down some random aisle and I start to wipe dust off of spines and straighten the edges. Ugh, I really hated this place at times. The fact that this place hasn't been touched in what seemed like years, just added to my dislike.

I run my fhands lightly over the books when my finger catches the edge of something and I pull back to see a sticky note stuck to my finger tip. The word on it is in sharpie and I have no idea who wrote it.


I look at the word, furrow my eyebrows, and look up and down the aisle wondering if this was some other kind of joke.

  I shake my head and stick the sticky note in my pocket, dismissing it as some note some student left behind, and start on my way again.

I turn the corner , heading to another aisle,  and when I start to go down it, I notice this time a green sticky note stuck in the center to another shelf. I frown as I walk to it, snatch it off, and look at the words.


I leave the note in my hand as I run to the next aisle to see if another sticky note is there. When I find a pink one in it's perfect place, I snatch it, not bothering to read it, and head to the next aisle.

It takes me three minutes to get all the sticky little notes since I had to retrace my steps a few times and some aisles had more then one.

I sit on the floor in the back and I take the sticky notes out of my pocket and sit the them on the floor with all the other ones.The form a perfect circle around me.

I bite my lip as I realize that all the words make one sentence. I move a few sticky notes around and lean back to see the sentence clearly.

Meet me at Sue's Diner at 11:00.

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