Close Call

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"Stupid bitch, tryin get herself killed. Good riddance to her if it happens" My father muttered, looking out the window as Lincoln reversed the truck and started to head for the countryside just outside of the city.

"Shut up and be quiet. We just saved your sorry ass and I wont have you talking like that in front of the twins!" Lincoln yelled.

"Who gives a fuck about the little brats" He muttered again, but listened nonetheless.

"Are they still asleep?" Lincoln asked me and I nodded.

I stared down at their small forms, curled up, each in their seat. How they slept through all the yelling and slamming of doors, I couldn't fathom but I was grateful. I looked up and watched the scenery flash by.

"Linc, we should stop for fuel" I said, thinking about the diesel and how much fuel we would need if we were driving very far.

"Good plan" he said nodding and we eventually pulled up at an Exxon. He jumped out and grabbed the three containers I kept under the back seats. I sat on the window frame of the drivers side door and kept watch while he filled up the containers.

I wasn't trying to let it get to me, but our father was making me uncomfortable. I was almost afraid to speak, afraid of angering him. I didn't want any of my actions to come back on me and my siblings.

"hey boy, you got a monster coming up on you" our dad said, alerting Lincoln to the zombie I hadn't noticed. Linc shot me a look as he pulled out his knife and stabbed it in the head. I then felt hands on me for a second time today and felt myself getting yanked backwards. I screamed as I hit the pavement and saw two more of the zombies standing over me.

The one, a male with long hair, dropped down trying to get to my arm. I crawled quickly under the truck, scared for my life. He started to follow me but then I saw something glint as it dropped out of the passenger window. My father had dropped me a knife to use.

I quickly tried to stab the zombie but managed to hit its shoulder because it grabbed onto y arm again. I bit back another scream and I slammed the knifes blade into his head. My whole body shook as I finally allowed myself to collapse back against the ground.

I had forgotten about the female zombie, too worried about handling her male counterpart. I heard a moan and looked back to see the female on the ground crawling over the first one. I screamed and backed up quickly, wishing this wasn't happening.

The entire time, Linc was trying to pull me out from under the truck and finally grabbed hold of my arms. He yanked me upright and shoved me into the bed of the truck. He then stomped the female zombies head into a pulp, until she moved no more. I tried to gain my composure as Lincoln looked up at me.

"God Jasmine are you stupid!" he yelled, surprising us both.

I stared at him in shock, he never yelled at me

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. Just get in the truck" he mumbled, grabbing the two gas cans he filled and turning to finish the last one.

I got into the truck, in the backseat once again. This time Brady was wide awake and staring at me. His eyes were wide and he was whimpering.

"Shh" I whispered to him, rubbing his back. I didn't want him to make our father yell.

"Get that damn brat to shut the hell up!" Too late. "And I ain't saving your stupid ass anymore, you better get a grip bitch"

I shook my head slightly, trying to calm down. He always made me super angry, but I didn't want the twins to see him hit me if I back talked him.

Huh, its crazy how I'm almost 30 years old and I'm still afraid of my father.

"Look, we're heading to the quarry Uncle Jon took me camping at in the morning," Lincoln said, getting back into the truck, "Its higher up and the zombies are just in the city for now. They wont be heading up there yet. We can go and get a plan together in a few days. Plus it has a lake"

I trusted Lincoln's judgment so I just nodded my head.

Our father snorted though, "How the hell are you gonna be the boss of me boy" he shook his head "Shit I'll listen to you I guess, just get me a damn bottle!"

Lincoln agreed that he would, as long as it would shut him up.

We were once again on our way to hopefully somewhere safe. It was growing dark out though, so eventually Lincoln pulled onto the side of the highway a few miles away from the city to get some sleep. We would reach this quarry in the morning he said.

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