Everything Begins to Fall Apart

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Jasmine sat in the bed of her truck as Merle drove like a bat out of hell towards the highway. The group hadn't talked about where they would meet up if this sort of thing happened, hell no one even thought this would happen considering how they had all thought about the farm as a safe haven.

She felt herself start to tremble and she realized she was sobbing into her knees.

Daryl watched the girl he loved, hell he wasn't sure he loved her yet but she sure had a way of getting into his mind and heart. He slowly reached over and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest as she sobbed brokenly. Jasmine didn't try to pull away, she needed this even though Daryl didn't feel the same way as she did.

They felt the truck slow down and as Jasmine tried to wipe her eyes, Daryl watched the highway come into view. The same spot they had been before, when Dale, Ashlynn, and who knows how many others of the group had still been here. Daryl didn't want to think about the ones they had lost, if they even did, but he know that people had been killed and he felt his heart clench as he was thankful it wasn't Jasmine or Merle or even Brady or himself. Selfish bastard. His mind whispered to him.

Merle watched the car of Shane's pull to a stop ahead of him, the chinaman getting out. He sighed in a mix of relief and disgust, they're still alive.

Soon, what remained of the group found themselves on the highway and all had a sort of joyous reunion to see the ones they loved still alive.

"Andrea?" Maggie asked, looking around.

Lori shook her head in response, "Her and Carol were taken down." Lori's answer made Sophia start to cry harder and Maggie cringed for the poor girl.

"Patricia was literally ripped from me daddy." Beth cried into her father's chest. "Shane saved my life though."

Hershel nodded in thanks to the man standing on the outskirts of the group.

"Jasmine?" Glenn asked.

Merle just nodded his head towards her truck, where everyone turned to see the poor girl sitting on the tailgate with her head in her hands. Then suddenly, before they looked away, She sat up straighter with a air of anger around her. She jumped from the tailgate and started yelling.

"God-dammit. I didn't ask to live in this world! I didn't ask for this! None of us did. So how are we supposed to live in a fucked up world like this! Monsters chasing us, trying to rip our damn skin from our bones. Why in the hell would God ever let a thing like this happen? I bet he's just sitting with his fuckin' legs propped up, laughing and eating damn popcorn. Fuck you, you rotten son-of-a-bitch!" Jasmine screamed, yelling the last sentence towards the sky.

Merle whistled while everyone just stared at her sort of dumbfounded.

"Jasmine, don't be so loud." Rick said.

"Fuck you too Rick! You don't do shit for this group but boss us around! Destruction follows you! And your too fuckin' busy worrying about everything else to even wonder why your so called best friend is always sneakin' glances at your wife? Newsflash they were fuckin!" She exploded.

That made Rick angry, like undoubtedly she was going for. "I know that! You think I don't know that my own wife is pregnant with that bastards child? I'm trying to keep this damn group together instead of falling apart from my little problems because of my unfaithful wife and backstabbing best friend."

The last sentence was thrown at Lori and Shane along with a murderous look.

"I'm leaving." Jasmine said, this time quietly as she looked at their 'leader'. "This group is broken, we have nothing but destruction."

"And where will you go missy? You think you can just ruin this whole group and then leave?" Shane demanded.

"You already did that." She replied as she began to stalk back towards her truck.

"You aren't leavin!" Merle yelled.

"God-dammit this group needs to stay together! We can lose anyone else!" Beth's outburst shocked everyone and suddenly everyone stopped.

Jasmine just shook her head and then sort of retreated into herself. "I'm sorry. I just can't take anymore of this."

"You don't have to face it alone." Lori said and moved to put her hand on Jasmine's arm.

"We stick together for now. If ya'll wanna leave afterwards then fine, but for now lets just work this out." Rick said and that was the final thing said on that conversation.

"Well while we are on this highway, we should look for more supplies since most of it was left." Glenn said.

"Yeah we haven' even hit this side." Daryl said, finally speaking.

So everyone set off towards the other side of the highway, looking for anything they can find. Merle sat on top of Jasmine's truck with Brady, keeping a lookout.

Jasmine wondered around until she was far enough away and began to loot through the cars.

She found a case of water bottles, an assortment of clothes, a sleeping bag, cans of food, and a teddy bear that looked amazingly like the one Ashlynn had. She decided to keep the bear for herself, childish as it was. She began to carry her finds back to the truck and as she went to stuff the bear into her bag, she saw something shiny. She pulled out the knife she had found and thought to give to Daryl a few months ago. The one with the buck head.

Jasmine smiled and looked around to find Daryl. No time like the present.

Jasmine found Daryl searching through a van close by so she walked towards him.

"I know we aren't on good terms but I found this awhile back and I thought I'd give it to ya. I have one like it, but only with a wolf head." Jasmine blushed as she held the knife out for him.

He stayed silent as he took the knife from her hand. Daryl looked it over and found himself smiling.

"I want us to be on good terms." Daryl said.

Jasmine just nodded, "Me too." Then began to walk away to loot more cars.

"Hey!" Daryl yelled.

She turned back and was awarded with a big grin.

"Thank ya." He said.




This is also posted on walkingdeadfanfiction.com so if you see this as well, im the same person lol. Hope you guys are enjoying! Rate and comment. Thank You!!

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