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Please comment or message me! I want to know what you guys think about my story. And yes I also have this posted on under the same name.


A body bouncing on the bed immediately jolted me into awareness and I shot up. A roaring pain pierced through my head as I did so and I crumpled back down onto the bed, my face in the pillow. I heard a groan next to me and then I felt an arm around my waist tighten and then lift.

I didn't have to look up to know it was Daryl; I smelt his scent already. It was a unique mixture of the woods and dirt and musk but still had a distinct smell of Daryl. I could only describe it as sunshine mixed with freedom.

Slowly shaking my head at my thoughts, I looked up and met his wonderful blue eyes. I immediately recalled the fact that I had been naked in a shower with him yesterday and the way I had treated him afterwards and blushed a deep red.

Feeling his chuckle reverberate into my side from my chest I just averted my eyes, trying to focus on anything else. It was then that I saw Brady smiling at us from the end of the bed. Something was off though..

"Where's Ash?" My voice croaked out.

"Dr. Jenner is with her. He says he has good news!" Brady said excitedly, his voice cutting into my severe hung over headache. ​​But as his answer finally got through to me, I broke into a smile and almost started to cry.

I'm not going to lose my baby yet, oh thank you Jesus. But how in the hell is it even possible for her to live? Lincoln turned-oh man L​​inc I miss you so much-

I started to sob thinking about my brother who had gave his life to save the others in camp. He threw himself into the fray of killing walkers, only to bitten.​​​​​​ He had kept me safe all these years and he goes out still being a protector. There's no hope for anyone.

"Jasmine? Why ya crying?" Brady asked me.

"I'm just happy Bray. I'm glad there's good news!" I smiled, trying to wipe the tears away.​​​​

Brady got up and walked to the door, looking at Merle on the couch. He had stayed silent but smirked as he saw the boy looking at him. He got up and they walked out of the door together.

Merle and my brother? I hope he doesn't teach him anything bad.

"Ya want a shower or breakfast first?" Daryl's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Breakfast." I smiled at him, thankful he has nothing to say about my earlier cry fest. Maybe I was just still drunk?

I got up and stumbled, throwing my arms out to try and regain my balance.​​​​​​​​​​

Yupp. Still drunk!​​

I chuckled as I stood up straight and took some cautious steps. I turned to grin at Daryl and found him close behind me. I flinched at his close proximity.

His hand came up to cup my face and he caressed his thumb along my cheek. I leaned my face into his hand, closing my eyes. If my eyes would have been open though, I would have caught the smile that Daryl wore as he kissed my forehead.

"Lets git ya some breakfast." He murmured against my forehead and then stepped back.

​​​​​​We left the room and walked towards the kitchen. I clutched my head the entire way, trying to keep the pain at bay.

I walked into the kitchen seeing Glenn first. Honestly, the sight was hilarious and I immediately started to laugh.

"Eh Chinaman ye look like death!" Daryl said laughing loudly.

Lori handed me a bottle of Tylenol and I thanked her gratefully, swallowing them with water. I went and grabbed food, some powdered eggs and pancakes.

I dug into my plate with gusto, not looking up to meet Shane's eyes even though I could feel them on me. ​

Daryl must not have noticed because he stayed quiet and dug into his food slower than I did. But clearly I was wrong. The hunter was very observant.

"What are ye lookin at !" Daryl snarled at Shane, a possessive look in his eye.

Shane just held his hands up in surrender and smirked.

Conversation flew by as I just tried to ignore everyone. I definitely did not feel good and something about today just made me feel uneasy. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

"Ms. Kennedy?" I heard.

Looking up, I saw Jenner smile gently to me.


"Can you follow me please?"

He took off towards the door and I just shot Daryl a look as I stood up. He made to get up and follow me but I just shook my head. I followed Jenner towards a room that looked to be his study.

"Please have a seat." He said, pointing to a chair.

I complied and waited for him to spill whatever he had to say. I was slightly anxious but it obviously had something to do with Ashlyn.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​"I was reviewing the blood samples everyone had given me and I noticed something peculiar with Ashlyn's and Brady's. Were you aware that they are not fully your siblings?"

"Uh. W​​hat, what do you mean?​​" My voice expressed my shock at this news.

"Your blood and theirs do not correctly match. Ashlyn also has a component that is letting her cells bond with the ​​virus. She is only living because she has this miracle and I think I might be able to work on a cure with her."

I sat there stunned. "But there's pictures of my mother pregnant with the twins and with me. We must be related!"

"Then you have different fathers. Either you do or they do."

"They must then. Because-because my older brother was bitten and he died. If they shared his blood then he would have lived." ​​​​​​

"No. Now my theory is that-wait where was his bite?"

"His neck."

"Yeah this proves my theory. His was fatal to his jugular, directly in connection with his heart. Ashlyn was bitten on her forearm, not nearly as deadly. Well let me correct, any bite is deadly but hers was far enough from her heart so the blood cells bonded before anything could happen. You should not test this, but I believe I am correct."

I just sat there still. I was trying to process everything and my brain just felt too full.

"I just...I need to go okay?" I muttered and quickly made my way out the door, running to my room.

Oh god this is just too much to handle right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy, God, that my sister is going to stay alive. I couldn't handle any more deaths at the moment. But we aren't barely related? This world is falling apart. I don't have anything to keep me going. The twins fit in in this group. I don't. I'm the outcast, no one needs me.

But a tiny voice in my mind whispered Daryl's name.

No! I cant let him get close to me anymore. If I lose him then I don't think I'll be able to carry on. If he loses me, I don't know how much he cares but if it does affect him then he wont be able to protect himself. He will think about me. And If we even stay alive and survive together, we will be so worried about each other we wouldn't be at prime condition to protect ourselves and everyone around us.

I cried myself to sleep, not knowing that in 30 minutes the building I was resting in would blow up. ​​


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