The Last Pale Light In The West

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Jasmine found herself running through the woods, determined to find others from her group. She didn't really have an idea as to what was going on, just knew it had to do with the Governor man that most of the group had been afraid of. She came face to face with a walker as she rounded a tree and stuck her arm out to stop it from getting to close as she pulled her knife from its sheath on her waist. Jasmine took no notice of the pain in her forearm as she quickly stabbed the undead man in his head and watched him crumple to the floor.

She trekked through the woods all day, only stopping at dusk. As she sat her bag down and went to pull the ponch tighter against her body, she heard swearing and saw the glow of a fire ahead.

As Jasmine stalked through the undergrowth, not knowing who inhabited the fire, Daryl didn't know he was being watched. He was sitting at the fire with Beth, after her rushing him away from the prison and Jasmine. The younger woman was curled up next to him, trying to pull any warmth from his body and the fire he had made.

"Daryl." Jasmine whispered once she saw the man who sat at the fire, not noticing the younger female next to him. Jasmine walked out of the woods and cried his name again, this time he raised his head to see the woman he loved.

"Jasmine" Daryl said shocked and quickly got up, waking Beth in the process. He ran to her and grabbed her hard, pulling her into his body.

Before Jasmine could even understand what was going on, Daryl had pulled away, seeing her arm.

"Yer bit" He said shell shocked.

Jasmine only nodded and his face grew pale.

"Ye can't be. I jus got ya back." Daryl muttered, his eyes wet as he held her again.

"you can live without me Dare. You managed before you even met me. You can do it again."

Jasmine kissed him soundly and then back up, pulling the poncho from her frail body. She then sat the pack down next to the fire, where Beth still sat watching the horror play out.

"Take care of him for me, please. He needs you." Jasmined whispered to Beth, and Beth nodded. Both women had tears in their eyes.

"I need you to find Brady for me Daryl." Jasmine said, as she turned back around and saw Daryl wiping his eyes furiously.

Daryl only nodded. He couldn't believe what was going on but he wouldn't argue with her now. He didnt' want to let her go, but knew she wasn't much longer for this world.

Jasmine silently handed him her knife with the wolf head and nodded, tears coming down her face.

"I can't" Daryl said, looking at the weapon in his hands.

"You have to. I don't want to turn and i can already feel it in my body."

Daryl and Jasmine sat next to the fire for the next few hours, and Beth gave them the space they needed.

"It's time." Jasmine whispered as she felt her body began to shut down. "Please Dare."

He simply nodded and kissed her once last time.

"I love you so much Daryl, and I'm so sorry you have to do this. We will meet again my love."

Her eyes closed for the last time and Daryl cried as he took the knife and impaled it in her head, behing her ear so her face would still look as serene as it was the day he met her.

"you don't have to struggle anymore, my love. Until we meet again." Daryl whispered and kissed her forehead.


Little did Jasmine know, but Brady was already dead and waiting for her. Merle was hanging onto his sanity by a thread. He managed to meet up with Daryl a few days after Jasmine's death and knew she was gone. The brothers headed towards a town named Terminus with Beth, the only evidence that Jasmine Kennedy and her family had been around was the scars left on Daryl Dixon's heart.

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