New Additions

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The group has been at their new home for about four months now and their supplies have dwindled significantly. They decide to head to the local Walmart for a run.
Jasmine, Merle, Daryl, Glenn, and T-dog take Jasmine's truck with her driving. The others stay back to make sure that their home isn't compromised, and even though it hasn't been yet, it could be. The past four months have been spent happily, only involving the occasional walker buildup against the gate. But Rick realizes that it could change at any moment. He allows the others to think that this will be a place they can stay forever, but Rick knows that its most likely not possible. Trouble always befalls.
They make it to the Walmart, happily noticing that it has a target and a home depot in the same shopping center. They head to the home depot first, Merle and Jasmine splitting from the others.
Merle pushes a wheelbarrow while Jasmine fills it with things they think they could use. She puts crowbars, shovels, axes, and even two chainsaws in it. Daryl and Glenn come back with a bunch of empty gas canisters and wooden slabs.
"There's a gas station on the way back, we can stop there and see if anything is left and refill the truck and put gas in these cans for extra." Glenn says, thinking ahead.
"Good, can use tha gas for these saws." Merle says, nodding to the wheelbarrow.
T-Dog comes running, grinning as he pants. "There's a trailer we can hook to the hitch of the truck. We can get more stuff home!"
Merle goes outside and backs the truck up to the open trailer, allowing Daryl to hook it up.
"What's the wood for?" T-Dog asks Glenn.
"Daryl said we can use it for anything." He answered and shrugged.
They pull up out front of the Walmart and walk inside. Jasmine immediately kills two walkers, seeing another crawling towards her and stomps his head in. Then she heads towards the woman's clothing with a cart, filling it up with jeans, shirts, and jackets. She makes her way to the undergarments and throws in socks, underwear, and any kind of bra she can find. Happy with this, she sees the baby section and decides to grab stuff for Lori. She is only about 5 or 6 months along but they can never be too prepared.
Jasmine pushes the cart back out to the truck and begins to throw her findings into the bed of it. Then she goes back in and starts on the men's clothing, knowing that the guys wouldn't do it, they were too busy getting food.
Merle shoved cans of anything he could get his hands on into the cart. He looked at Daryl while he did so, noticing he looked a little glum.
"What's wrong Darylina?" Merle asked, shooting him a toothy grin.
"Shuttup Merle." Daryl replied and pushed the cart to another aisle filled with water. Glenn and T-Dog were here and they all grabbed up the bottles.
"Seriously, what's up with ye an' honeypouch?" Merle asked, by now the other two guys heard this conversation and stopped to listen.
"They do seem like a cute little couple don't they." Glenn said laughing.
"Shuttup, the lot of ya. It ain't ya business!" Daryl growled, kicking a fallen bottle down the aisle.
"Don't get ya panties ina bunch boy. Jus askin some questions." Merle said. "I don't want ye hurtin honeypouch is all."
"I ain't gonna hurt her!" Daryl yelled back.
This yelling is what caused an unknown walker to make its way towards the group. Nobody was watching as T-Dog, the closest to the walker was bitten. The group only noticed when he screamed in pain as the flesh of his neck gave way.
"T!" Glenn yelled and immediately jumped to his friends aide. But by the time he got there, Daryl had already sent an arrow into the walkers head and was moving towards the fallen body to remove his arrow. Glenn pulled T-Dog up and rushed him towards the entrance, but he had other plans. He pushed Glenn away and smiled at the others, seeing Jasmine at the truck already. He turned and saw the horde of walkers running towards them and turned his head back to his friends-no his family.
"Sorry guys. now go!" He yelled and then ran into the awaiting mass of flesh eaters. Glenn cried out and Daryl pulled him as he tried to push a cart past Merle pushing another.
"Jasmine! Git in the damn truck now!" Daryl yelled and she turned, the smile on her face fading as she saw the huge amount of walkers approaching and no sign of T-Dog.
"Now Dammit!" Merle yelled and threw Glenn into the backseat. He jumped through the passenger side into the drivers seat as Daryl threw the things into the truck bed and jumped into it, pulling Jasmine with him. Merle took off, narrowly missing the first walker as it reached for purchase towards the living people it had targeted.
"Where's T?" Jasmine asked.
Daryl just shook his head towards the store and looked down. Jasmine started to sob as she realized that nothing was safe. They may have a home now, but that could be taken as easily as T-Dog's life had been. The rest of the ride towards home was silent and she had forgotten that they were stopping at the gas station, so when they pulled to a stop earlier than expected, she was shocked. Jasmine looked up and saw that they were at an Exxon and each of them got out somberly and grabbed gas canisters. The guys went to each pump and put gas into their canisters, but Jasmine stayed to the Diesel side. She needed extra for her truck. She had her two filled and was taking them back to get more empty ones when she saw a black woman approaching her. The woman was limping slightly, and bleeding from the leg.
"Help." She muttered before passing out.
"Daryl!" Jasmine yelled and ran to the woman's side, pushing the long swords she had strapped to her away. She checked the unknown woman's leg and saw it was a gunshot, not a bite. Daryl ran up to her and noticed the woman on the ground.
"Who's that?" He asked.
"I don't know. She only said help and then fell to the ground. Get me a bottle of water, will ya?" Jasmine asked.
Daryl came back soon with the water and Jasmine splashed a little on the woman's face, waking her up.
"What's your name?" Jasmine asked slowly.
"Michonne." The woman said.
"Why are you alone?"
"I was looking for shelter for the night, I left my group inside this gas station and I was returning for them."
Daryl turned and nodded to a quiet Merle and Glenn and they went into the station to find the people Michonne talked about.
"We have a community. There's not many of us but we have room for you if you'd like to come. There's a doctor to even fix your leg." Jasmine smiled at Michonne.
Michonne nodded and attempted a smile back, but it was more of a grimace.
The guys came back with 5 other people and Jasmine couldn't believe her eyes.

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