Oats in the Water

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The title of this chapter is also a song by Ben Howard. Its really good so you guys should listen to it! It also is in the season four Internment episode!

Now back to the story (:


Dammit I couldn't find her! Where the fuck was Jasmine at!?

I ran towards the bedroom and finally found her asleep on the bed, tear stains down her face. I didn't have time to wake her up, she'd only slow me down. I grabbed her up and grabbed my crossbow and as many bags as I could carry. I raced back towards the window to already see it blown open. Her eyes fluttered but remained closed and I grunted under all the weight. I handed her over to Merle, who had stayed back while the others left, as I jumped out onto the ground below. He dropped her into my arms gently and we raced off towards the vehicles. I managed to get to the other side of the truck as the building was engulfed in flames and exploded. I threw my body over Jasmine's trying to protect her from any falling debris.

This girl will be the death of me.



I woke slowly, noticing my surroundings. I was in the backseat of the truck as Merle drove. Daryl was in the passenger seat.

"Ye damn near got killed." Merle said to Daryl, not realizing I was awake and I closed my eyes incase they looked back at me.

"Shuttup Merle. I was fine" Daryl retorted.

"Girly is gon slow ye down, ye need ta make sure yer up for tha challenge. Ya got others ta look after now."

"She aint slowin shit down. She's had a bad few days, leave 'er alone!"

"Everybody has had a bad few days. I git it, I do. But she needs to understand she aint the only one tryna survive. She cant be riskin us"

"Merle" Daryl's voice was threatening.

"Ye tryna start something lil brudder? I'm only lookin out fer ya. She's a good girly, honeypouch is. She just aint ready for this world."

"Well ima make damn sure she is! I'm not letting 'er die Merle."

"Damn boy yer goin soft!"

Daryl thumped the dashboard and I jumped.

"Now ye did it." Merle must have noticed my jump and I slowly opened my eyes.

"Mornin' sunshine!" Merle greeted me with a smirk.

"Where are we?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Headin towards-hell actually I don't know."

"The twins?"

"In tha RV" this time Daryl's voice answered me.

"Lemme drive"


"Merle, let 'er drive"

Merle finally slowed the truck down to a stop after hitting the horn twice. I climbed out of the backseat and stretched. I wasn't ready to ask why we left the CDC and I also wasn't ready to see my siblings, not after the revelation I had.

Merle's hand rubbed across my back and then grabbed my butt and I smacked him on the back of the head.

"Get off!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry honeypouch, I jus like yer ass. Its nice" He wiggled his eyebrows and before he could turn around Daryl was on him.

They began to fight and I had enough of the bullshit of them. Hearing them talk about me and now seeing them throw punches at each other just began to irk me too far.

"Get the fuck off the ground now!" I yelled and they immediately stopped fighting and slowly stood. "This is how the fuck its going down! Get what you need from this truck and ride in the RV. I will not have you two fighting and I wont listen to anymore bullshit about me!"

I glared first at Daryl and then even harsher at Merle.

"Go on! Get!" I yelled again and stomped my way to the drivers door, slamming it behind me. I locked the doors and waited for the men to get in the rv. Daryl didn't follow Merle, he only patiently waited for me to unlock the passenger door and I wasn't about to do that. I heard him cuss and he jumped in the bed of the truck beside the motorcycle.

I didn't smile even though I wanted to. I was too annoyed.

The caravan started up and we began to make our way towards a small town I vaguely remember. Lincoln's best friends family lived around here. The Green's or something.

Speeding past the group, I got in the lead and headed for the familiar house I had visited when I was younger.

I finally found the old driveway and I slowed, getting out to open the gate. I pulled in and then stopped, waiting for someone to shut the gate back. I began the long drive down the dirt road and found myself in front of the old house again.

Rick came up to my window as I stared at this house. "Why are we here?"

"I know these people. They might be alive!" I said, excited to see someone from my old life.

The screen door swung open and Maggie Green came out holding a shotgun.

"Who the hell are yall?!" She yelled and I smiled hugely.

"Maggie!" I yelled in response and got out of the truck.

She dropped her gun in recognition and rushed to hug me. "Daddy! Daddy you'll never believe who's here!"

Hershel soon came out on the porch and I saw him smile as he saw me. "Hello Jasmine. How are you?" He said the words so casually, you wouldn't think that dead people would be walking around.

I hugged him in response and then Rick had to ruin the moment.

"Excuse me. I'm Rick. I was wondering if we could stay here a few days just to get our minds together." Rick asked hesitantly.

"Yes, a few days only. Seeing as you guys look in poor health." Hershel replied, no trace of a smile anymore.

***A few days Later***

We had unpacked and sorted out the tents and the days were easier lived on this farm. It almost seemed untouched from the outside 'apocalypse' and we were all very thankful for it. I was now helping Maggie feed the horses and I couldn't find anymore feed. I remembered they had kept the extra food in the barn across the way.

"I'll be right back!" I said back to Maggie as I walked towards the barn.

I took the padlock off, seeing as it wasn't really locked just looked like it was. I saw a bag of feed and went to grab it but I felt hands on my arms and I screamed.

I looked up into the face of a walker and saw many more behind it.

"DARYL!" I yelled, struggling to get free, not noticing that Sophia had been behind me on my way to the barn and she was also in immediate danger. I began to feel myself get tired and I fell backwards with the walker on top of me as the others flooded out the doors. Looking around for anything to help me, I saw the damn oats I had been looking for and as if it was a sign from the Lord himself, I saw a shovel next to the oats to gather them.

If only I could make my way closer to it.

The walker kept chomping and I was shoving at its face while its arms were wildly flailing towards me.

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