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Jasmine sucked in a breath as pain coursed through her. Not just the pain from being shot by Andrea, or losing Ash, or even being attacked by a walker a week ago. The pain she felt now was because of Daryl. Her heart was breaking.

****Two hours before****

Jasmine walked out of the tent she shared with the Dixon's and found Daryl sitting a few feet in front of it, whittling some arrows.

She sat down next to him but he didn't look up. Jasmine even cleared her throat and still didn't get a reply until she said his name.

But he only grunted.

"What's the matter?" Jasmine questioned the silent man beside her, slightly angry.

"Nothin'" He grunted out and Jasmine huffed.

"Daryl Dixon tell me why your panties are in such a bunch!"

"Dammit woman, jus leave me alone. I don't need ya followin me 'round like a damn puppy dog. I don' wanna deal wit all yer bullshit and yer little brudder. I can't"

Jasmine looked at Daryl in shock, not noticing that the rednecks heart was hearting as well as hers. Daryl thought he was doing this for her safety and his. You can't love someone in an apocalypse. They will only die.

"Fine Daryl," Jasmine whispered.

She stood up and took her things out of the tent. Then she began the walk towards the other tents, not looking behind to see Daryl's head in his hands. She found the empty tent she had managed to swipe in Atlanta and put her things in it. Brady's stuff was already in it. She curled up on her sleeping bag and stared at the ceiling. Despite the heat outside, she piled blankets on top of her and then fell asleep.


Jasmine couldn't believe how Daryl could treat her like this. He decided to just vent out his damn emotions at the pond and now he's so damn against her. Jasmine took a moment to realize that she doesn't need anyone but Brady now, and that she can handle herself.

Jasmine climbed out of the tent, running into Shane accidentally.

"Sorry." She muttered and went to walk away but he grabbed her arm.

"Listen Jasmine. I'm sorry for the CDC. Its no excuse, but I was drunk and honestly your hot as hell. I shoulda kept my hands to myself." Shane said.

Jasmine just nodded, "Its fine. Its the past."

Shane smiled at the brunette in front of him. She sure was a pretty thing but she was damaged, worse than the others in the group. Plus she was Dixon's anyway. But that didn't mean he couldn't try. Hell Lori didn't want him now.

"Do you want to go inside and I'll get you some coffee?" Shane asked and Jasmine actually cracked a smile.

"It's sunset. Tomorrow though." She said, giggling at how he tied the previous worlds idea of a date into this apocalypse setting.

He nodded and sent her a smile as he took his leave. Tomorrow then. Shane mused, not realizing that they wouldn't be on the farm to witness a tomorrow.

Daryl watched all this with a frown. He didn't want to put Jasmine through any more pain, but he sure as hell didn't want Shane fuckin' Walsh touching his girl. 'Chill out Daryl, she aint even yours, member.' Daryl thought to himself as he threw the arrows he was trying to whittle to the ground and stormed off to the woods.

Jasmine walked to the fence surrounding the property and stared out at the sun setting behind the mountains, not noting that to her right, coming out of the woods, was hundreds upon hundreds of walkers.

She didn't notice them getting closer until she saw Daryl running away from them towards her.

"Daryl!" She screamed.

The others saw the walkers and began to shove anything they could into the RV and the other vehicles. Merle was throwing his tent and Jasmine's into her truck. He looked up to see Jasmine standing still as a statue watching his brother run across the field. She fell to her knees as Daryl fell to the ground, crying out. Merle just shook his head and grabbed Brady, stuffing him into the truck.

Daryl's foot hit a hole and he fell, but just as quick he was back on his feet. He saw Jasmine holding onto the fence watching him and he screamed at her to run. He could feel the walker's arms almost on his back as he made it to the fence and dove over it, doing a roll as he hit the ground. He jumped to his feet and grabbed Jasmine's arm, pulling her with him.

"Come on! We gotta go now!" Daryl yelled, as he rushed them both to the truck.

Even though he had lied to her about his feelings, he knew he would never let anything happen to her and he would always care about her despite what she would do.

Jasmine's truck pulled up in front of them and Daryl shoved her into the bed beside the motorcycle as he quickly climbed in after her. Merle spun the tires as he roared away from the hoard, heading towards the road.

Beth pulled on Patricia's arm as they rushed from the house. Patricia was wailing for Otis, who had been taken down by walkers on the porch. Shane stood in front of Beth shooting at the walkers and protecting her as Patricia was pulled from her grasp. Shane pulled Beth towards his car, jumping into the backseat as Glenn and Maggie jumped in the front.

Rick shoved Hershel into the truck as he knifed walkers heads. He ran for the drivers seat and lost his footing, falling to the ground with a walker on top of him. Carl shot the walker, blood and brain mass flying everywhere, and helped his father up. They got into the vehicle and drove away as fast as they could.

Andrea was tackled by a walker and it began to bite into her face and tear her skin from her jaw. She screamed in agony as others began to feast on her.

Carol saw Andrea being taken down and ran to help her, not noticing the walker behind her. The walker took a chunk out of Carol's neck and she screamed, trying to fight off her attacker.

Sophia struggled against Lori's hold as she watched her mother die. T-Dog drove the car towards the road, swerving to miss the bodies.

Hershel watched his barn go up in flames and his home being overtaken. He cried as he thought about his precious family and hoped they had made it out. Everything he worked so hard for was gone.

And thus began their life on the road.

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