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Stupid, stupid, stupid. My brain screamed at me as I flinched from his touch.

"Daryl." I whispered as I moved to get out of the steaming shower.

"It's okay darlin'." Daryl's raspy voice murmured back to me.

I was ready to let myself relax in his grip and then a fingertip brushed the C that would be forever ingrained in my skin. My fathers voice came back to me as I shrunk away from Daryl.

"Your such a worthless bitch. Never be good for nothing! If you ever find somebody, they'll see all these marks and know how much of a no good cunt you are! You ain't worthy for anyone"

Not worth it, Daryl-He's going to hurt me. Oh God how could I do this?

I pushed his other arm off of me and rushed from the shower, grabbing a towel. I left a dumbfounded Daryl underneath the spray alone as I tried to open the door, finding it still locked.

"Darlin'?" Daryl's voice called out.

"Merle please, please let me out." I sobbed, falling against the door.

"Stop, Jasmine. Just stop for a minute and tell me what's wrong." Daryl tried to speak sense to me but I ignored him.

I heard the lock turn and the door swung open. I immediately ran out of the bathroom, crying and freaked out, trying to hold the towel so it covered my back.

"Honeypouch? Girl ya 'ight?" Merle questioned me but I refused to answer. "Dammit Darylina whatcha do to 'er?"

I grabbed my bag while he was yelling at Daryl and ran out the door, bumping into Shane.

"Jasmine? What's wrong?" Shane asked me as he steadied me.

"I just need to change. Can I get dressed in your room?" I asked in return, ignoring his question.

I missed the look in his eyes as he nodded and he led me to a room farther down the hallway. He opened the door and ushered me inside, showing me to his bathroom.

I wiped my nose as I locked the door behind me and quickly changed. I looked at the person in the mirror, not recognizing myself. My hair was wet in strings against my face. My face itself was hallowed out looking, the cheekbones thinner than I remembered. I never had a happy glow to myself, but I had lost whatever personality I felt I had. I was a shell now.

**Daryl's POV**

I watched as Jasmine ran from the room, the door slamming behind her. I had a towel slung low over my hips as I made my way back into the bedroom. Merle stared at me in anger and a little bit of confusion.

"What did ye do?" Merle asked me.

He never was one to worry about others but he had taken the twins under his arm, helping to protect them. He also had a soft spot for Jasmine and I didn't really understand why. Merle-big-bad-coked out Merle never felt for anything. Our pa taught us that long ago.

"I jus got into the bath wit 'er and saw 'er back. I touched one of 'er scars and she freaked." I answered him, slightly disturbed at the pain she had to endure.

I didn't worry about what my pa had done to me anymore, but the fact that she had to go through it sickened me. She was so innocent, so beautiful and free.

Aw God Darylina shut yer trap. Ye sound like a goddamn fairy.

I shook my head at my thoughts and grabbed a pair of boxers to sleep in. Maybe I should find her?



I saw Jacquie as I made my way to the kitchen. She just smiled and left me alone. It must be a girls intuition to know when each other needed space. I needed to find some place to sleep but right now I just wanted to get drunk off my ass. I needed to forget.

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