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"'ight sugar-tits, how ya feel?" Merle asked me as I sat down on a sleeping bag in his tent.

"I'm okay. Thank you for that," I murmured, "and thanks for yesterday. I never got to thank you really."

"Shucks, yer gonna make me blush" He said, laughing as he grabbed a knife and began to sharpen it.

We sat in comfortable silence, the only sound was the blade as it moved against the sharpener. I wasn't sure what type of conversation this man would like to have. I wasn't sure if I even felt comfortable in his presence. I never felt comfortable when any man was around. Hell, I'd only had one boyfriend and that didn't even last that long. I mean don't get me wrong, I have people telling me I'm beautiful but I don't really believe them. My father broke my confidence down long ago but I still had my strength.

"How long he been doin that to ya?" Merle questioned, looking up to watch my expression.

I shook my head, "I don't really want to talk about it okay?"

"It's only a question darlin', my pa weren't the best of folk either" Merle admitted.

I was shocked but in a way it made sense. This brute of a man had a rough childhood, that's why he was the way he was now. He seemed to be closed off to most people, was he only trying to talk to me because we have this in common?

"Me brother, he had it worse." Merle went on. "Stayed till the end he did."

"Where is your brother?" I questioned, remembering hearing about him but I hadn't seen him yet.

"He's out huntin', prolly be back 'round dark" Merle replied. "What's it to ya honeypouch?"

"I haven't seen him around. I was just wondering, is all."

Merle motioned to the sleeping bag I was sitting on. "Take ya a rest, ye slept in ya truck last night. Could not 'ave been nice"

"Are you sure?"

"Go on, 'fore I change me mind"

I smiled and thanked him before laying down but I only got a grunt in reply. I soon fell asleep, not waking to hear the zipper to the tent.


*Jasmine age 27*

I was driving to my fathers house with Brady and Ashlyn in the truck. Lincoln had recommended that we let the twins see him, so they at least knew who their father was. they were currently singing along to the radio and I smiled back at them as we pulled into the driveway.

"Now guys, remember your manners" I told them, hoping there wouldn't be any harm done to anyone today. I knew better but I still remained optimistic.

They both nodded and we walked into our fathers house.

"Hey dad. The twins are here" Lincoln called out as he opened the door for us.

I smiled up at him and then our father was walking towards us.

"Hey you brats" He said, smirking as they tried to hide behind my legs.

Well at least he didn't cuss.

We had a nice dinner for once but towards the end is when all hell broke loose.

"I'm full" Brady whispered to me.

I smiled at him, "Darling you don't have to eat anymore if you are full"

"Damn right he will finish his fuckin' plate!" our father yelled, standing up.

The table shook and Brady's and Ashlyn's plates fell to the floor.

"Now see what you fuckin brats have done!" he yelled again. "Fuckin worthless little faggot, cant even eat anything. In my day we were lucky to even be full! And this little bitch, doesn't even know how to do a damn thing right!"

He was in Brady's face in an instant. I jumped up but before I could do anything, Brady was thrown onto the floor. I got in front of Brady's crying form and prevented our father from touching him.

He then grabbed me and pushed me into the cabinet. My head hit the corner with such force that I was knocked out.


I woke up in a rush, hating to even have fallen asleep. Every time I went to sleep, I relieved these memories and I couldn't stand it. I looked around to see Merle gone, but a crossbow was laid carefully down on the sleeping bag across from me. I studied it, not remembering if it had been there before I went to sleep or not.

I made my way to the tent zipper and opened it carefully, stepping out slowly. It looked like everyone was around the fire, so I walked slowly over there.

I gratefully accepted a plate of meat from Carol and sat down next to Merle. Brady was sitting on his lap and everyone seemed shocked that Merle had this gentleness about him. I tried to mask my shock as well, yet I know I couldn't. Merle looked up at me and smirked.

"He likes ole Merle" Merle said, chuckling a little as Brady looked up at him.

Brady nodded and smiled to Merle and me. "Yes I do! You saved Jas from our daddy"

I frowned, wishing the twins wouldn't have to watch such things.

I then noticed a man sitting next to Merle on the other side, staring at me. I looked down quickly, not wanting to make too much of a commotion.

"What happen' to er face?" I heard the man ask Merle.

Merle just in turn nodded towards where my father was sitting. I wondered how bad my face looked and my appetite left me instantly. I felt sick and nauseas as I thought about how I am treated by my father.

I felt eyes on me from across the fire, knowing he was staring at me. He seemed almost triumphant that he could still hurt me, that he still had power over me. I hated it.

I cleared my throat and handed Brady the rest of the meat off my plate. I had barely touched any of it. "Eat it darling, but be sure to share with Ash"

Brady smiled happily at having more food and I looked up to make eye contact with Dale. He smiled at me and in a way it made me happy. This was how a father was supposed to look.

I got up slowly and walked to my truck, flipping the visor down to look in the mirror. My eye was purple and it trailed down to my cheek. There was a small cut right beside my nose where his ring had cut into my face. I winced, trailing my fingertips lightly along the bruise. I refused to cry at how ridiculous I looked.

I grabbed the blanket out of the back and got ready to settle down to go to sleep.

"Ey uh lady" I heard a gruff voice say from the open door.

I turned and saw the man from before who had sat next to Merle.

"Ye don't look too comfortable, ye can sleep in our tent if ya want" He said sort of awkwardly. "Merle told me ta ask ya"

"Well that's awful kind of you but I don't think there is any room in your tent." I replied, looking away from him.

"There's 'nough room. Common 'fore Merle starts snorin'" The man said again, attempting a small joke and I smiled.

"I'm Daryl by the way" The man said.

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