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Jasmine smiled to herself as she found two packs of cigarettes in a car. She already had a lighter in her bag but just incase she looked around on the floorboard of the passenger side. As she turned her head to look in the back, she saw a child strapped into his car seat. She was certain that this child wasn't a walker, but she wasn't for sure if he was dead.

"Hello?" She whispered and the young boys eyes opened. They weren't the milky gray or dark black as the dead so she breathed a sigh of relief. "Darlin?"

"My daddy left yesterday to get help but didn't came back.​​​" The child said, tears flowing from his eyes.

"What's your name?" Jasmine asked, reaching back to move the boys hair out of his eyes.


"And how old are you?"

"five." he held up the number of fingers as well.

"Would you like to come with me to my group?" Jasmine asked, hoping he would say yes. She couldn't leave this poor little boy-Bentley, to starve here waiting for a father who most likely wasn't coming back.

He nodded and then said the same thing that she was thinking, "I know he's not coming back. I saw him as a dead guy."

A gasp came from Jasmine as she looked at him. He seemed so much older, he didn't even cry when he talked about his dad. She quickly unclipped him from his seat and grabbed the bag that was next to him. He climbed out and clung to her leg, shaking a bit from the disuse of his legs.

Jasmine picked him up and carried him over to Beth, who stared in shock at first and then smiled warmly.

"Do you think you could watch him for a while so I can finish looting the cars?"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Jasmine asked and Beth nodded happily. "This is Beth, Beth this is Bentley. She is going to watch you while I finish my work okay? She's really nice."

When the small boy nodded and reached out for the blonde, Jasmine let him go willingly into her arms. She left quickly, searching for some food in nearby cars.

Soon they all finished looting and carried their findings back to their vehicles. Merle drove Jasmine's truck with Bentley and Brady inside while Daryl and Jasmine sat in the bed of it. The others followed after Merle.

Jasmine lit up a cigarette and offered it to Daryl, who smiled in response, taking it in his dirty hand. He inhaled the nicotine and went to hand it back to the brunette beside him , before realizing that she had already lit another one and was puffing on it gratefully. ​​​​​He shrugged and went back to staring out into the country side that was blurring by.

"Jasmine," Daryl started but was interrupted when she yet out a yell.

"Merle Stop! Look"​​​​ She yelled, slapping the side of the truck. He hit the horn and the hit the brakes.

"What honeypouch?" Merle said, getting out and leaving the boys to look out of the backseat window.

"There's a gated community! We can stay in the houses and ​​​​make it our own little thing!" She yelled happily, pointed towards the left where there was indeed a gate leading to houses inside. They each looked about two stories and large, almost mansion like.

Rick whooped and smiled and everyone else seemed to be relieved. They all talked about this little safe haven they could have and began the trek towards it. It was about a half mile set off the road and had woods surrounding for perfect hunting. There seemed to only be a few walkers roaming the inside and the gates were still closed so no more could get in. They debated about what to do and how to get in, when Jasmine came up with an idea.

"I can climb over and open the gate after I take out the roamers." She smiled, liking this idea.

"Hell no! I'll do it!" Daryl said, glaring at the girl.

"No. It was my idea and I'm the fastest. There is only a few of them. I'll be fine." Jasmine said and that ended that.

Daryl stared at her with a small glare but she didn't care. Rick nodded and Jasmine got her knife ready.

"Alright Merle, gimme a boost. ​​"​​​​​​​​​ 

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