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Jasmine heard several coughs erupt as she sat in the courtyard. The council had already decided that they would put the people who were getting sick in the cell block A, trying to keep everyone away from them that hadn’t already come into contact with the sick. It was thought that the problem last night had been caused by Patrick who was infected with an illness that had caused him to die and be turned into a walker.

Jasmine herself didn’t feel so well, but refused to admit that she was getting sick with what could be an illness that could kill her. She blamed it on her dehydration and malnourishment. This is what she believed until she began coughing so hard that blood flew out of her mouth and onto her hand. A shadow fell over her and she quickly went to wipe her mouth but Daryl had already caught on to what was happening.

“NO!” He roared and grabbed her close. “Ye cannot be gettin’ sick. Not when I jus got ya back!”

Rick came over to see what the commotion was about and saw that Jasmine was coughing and wheezing and blood lined her mouth. “Daryl-“

“No Rick, just no!” Daryl roared again, and gathered Jasmine closer to his chest as he began to walk her back to cell block B. But Rick suddenly stood in his way.

“You know I cannot allow that. She will be safer in A with Dr. S and Herschel looking after her. I cannot have her in B with my son and daughter.” Rick said, and finally Daryl lost the tension in his body.

“But she could die.” Daryl whispered and Rick barely caught what he had said. Jasmine herself was fading in and out of consciousness and struggled to pay attention to what was being said between the men. “I need to go get medicine.”

“I’ll look after her. Go and get what she needs and I promise you she will be in safe hands.”

Jasmine later woke up in a closed cell with Herschel leaning over her, trying to get her to drink water. That brief moment of consciousness was all she had and she began to fade in and out over the next few days. Daryl hadn’t come back yet and Jasmine was beginning to deteriorate.

When Daryl finally returned, hell had broken loose. Dr. S was dead, and many others had followed suit. Herschel was in Jasmine’s cell with Rick, trying to get her to breathe through a pump that had to be used by hand.

Daryl began to freak out and Herschel quietly explained that the worst was passing and that if they could just get her to breathe on her own, she could fight this. Herschel then told Daryl that he had returned in just enough time to save many lives, Jasmine’s included.

For the next week, while others were beginning to get better after many had died, Jasmine still stayed unconscious. She never woke up and Daryl was getting more and more worried each day. Glenn had finally gotten better after being sick himself, and Sasha as well. Karen and David had been found dead, their bodies burnt to a crisp and Tyreese had went on a rampage, trying to find who had done this.

Daryl found himself feeling a little sick, and fought against it. He was determined to stay healthy for Jasmine and Brady and Bentley. Merle stayed with the two children, often complaining about being a babysitter, but not really minding.

Everyday Daryl would go and visit Jasmine's bedside, often talking to her and apologozing for how he had acted.

Anna had been one of the first to die, and while it was wrong to be relieved at her death, Daryl couldn't help it because she had caused problems with him and Jasmine and no matter how many times he had told Anna to leave him alone, she wouldn't. Anna had loved egging Jasmine on and pushing her buttons, and now she wasn't around to do that anymore. But who knew if Jasmine would live long enough to notice that Anna was gone, and had never been a problem. The only woman Daryl ever would care about would be Jasmine, even though she was too thick skulled to understand that.

While the prison group was finally getting over the sickness, they had no idea about the governor coming back to attack them.

Jasmine was still unconscious with Herschel in her cell tending to her when the first shots rang out. They managed to rouse her from her slumber and Herschel quickly helped her up and into the tombs, where they could hide from whatever intruding was attacking them. Jasmine was slow and Herschel wasn’t much better, being that he only had one leg, but that didn’t stop the pair. Herschel pushed Jasmine into a room when men came into the tombs and locked her inside, not allowing her to sacrifice herself.

The governor’s men took Herschel outside and executed him in front of his family and the prison group. Then the governor attacked the prison, shooting at it with guns and a tank.

Rick finally managed to get the upper hand and killed the governor, allowing walkers to feast on his body. Once again the group escaped, fleeing in separate ways.

Jasmine managed to get out of the room that Herschel had tried to lock her in and ran outside to see that chaos had befallen the prison. She ran back inside and grabbed a duffel. Jasmine shoved clothes, guns, knives, food, water, and anything she could get her hands on, inside of it. Walking out to Daryl’s bed on the perch, she saw his poncho and put it on. She then saw a Polaroid that Glenn had took of the two sleeping in her bed and put that inside her bag as well. She trekked outside and into the woods, determined to find her group, again.

I’m always going to be searching for them, aren’t I?

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