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I woke up laying on my stomach. I looked around at my surroundings and saw the familiar Dixon tent. I immediately went to jump up but a pain in my back stopped me.

Who had checked my wound? Who had saw the marks and the scars? Oh god, I hope no one saw anything.

I heard a throat clear from the entrance of the tent and I looked over. Daryl stood there scratching his head awkwardly.

"How ye feelin'?" He asked, walking into the tent slowly and sitting down next to me. I flinched away from him a little and his eyes narrowed.

"Fine. Who looked at my back?" I mumbled, looking down.

"I did. I figured ye didn't want anyone to the way ye carried on." He answered, staring at my face trying to read every thought in my head.

"I didn't." I answered quietly.

"Well ya had a shard of glass in your back, I had ta git it out." Daryl said sounding almost angry.

"Thank you" I replied, looking up at his face.

Silence greeted my ears as I struggled to keep my facial expressions under control. I wouldn't let him see how scared him being close to me made me. No, I wasn't scared of him. I was scared of how I felt around him. I was scared that he would hurt me, but at the same time I felt butterflies when he talked to me. I was more confused than anything.

"I need ta change your bandage" Daryl's voice broke through my thoughts and I blushed.

"I think its okay." I said, trying to get him to just leave it alone.

He shook his head and just grabbed the roll of gauze and an antiseptic cloth. He wasn't a man that you said no to, too much. He wasn't the type that just took anything in stride. He would react much like his brother, but I had yet to see that. It's almost like his brother outshone him and he was happy just being in the background.

He pulled my shirt up and silently went to work removing my bandage and wiping the area down. His hands were gentle on me but I still felt the pain of the wound. I hissed as the antiseptic came into contact with my skin and he grunted out a sorry.

I watched his face as he worked; how his eyebrows would come together as he concentrated hard. How his lips turned down a little at the corners as he tried to be careful. How his eyes widened as he saw my scars.

I suddenly wasn't so scared of him seeing them. I knew he had had a bad past and maybe he would just keep quiet about mine.

"Can I ask ya what happened to yer back?" He asked quietly, seeming to already know the answer. I stayed silent not answering him. "Ye don't have to talk ta me. I was jus curious."

His soft voice calmed me down and I contemplated answering him. Would he just use my past against me? No.

"My father." Was all I said, shrugging.

He nodded, "yeah I understand that"

"That's what Merle said."

Silence resumed but a burning question remained on my mind.

"Daryl?" I asked hesitantly.


"Why do you and Merle act so nice to me but you don't really socialize to the others."

Daryl immediately got on the defensive. "Don't take it personal girl. Merle likes ye, he told me ta look after ya."

And with that, Daryl was up and out of the tent. I shook my head in confusion. How could he be so nice and seem caring and then turn sour?

Well he was related to Merle, so it explained it.

I reached around and pulled my shirt down, slipping my shoes back on. I made my way out of the tent and then I heard the screams.

"Run! Take the twins to the RV!" Lincoln yelled to Carol. Carol picked up my siblings and ushered Sophia and Carl into the rv. Lori followed close behind her. I felt hands on my arms and was flung up into the bed of my truck.

"Start shooting bitch!" my father yelled.

I glared at him but picked up my bow none the less. As walkers devoured some of my camp mates, I shot them down. Many more flowed into the camp and I heard gunshots and then a man I hadn't met yet walked into the camp, shooting at the decaying people.

"Shane!" The man roared as a walker nearly latched onto Shane's neck. The walker was gunned down and then Shane and the man embraced.

I looked wildly around for Lincoln but I had lost him in the fray. I couldn't see the Dixon's either but I knew they must be here. I had seen Daryl's arrows.

I felt a hand latch onto my leg and I was pulled out of the bed of the truck roughly. I landed on my back and groaned. The newcomer shot the walker that was about to grab me again and it's body fell onto mine, splattering me with blood and gore. My back was on fire again and I could feel the wound seeping blood.

The man threw the carcass off of me and helped me up. "Ma'am, I'm Rick Grimes. Can you tell me where my wife is?"

"Your wife?" I asked hesitantly, thinking that this man was crazy. Lori's last name was Grimes but she was sleeping with Shane?

"Lori" He answered and I merely pointed to the rv. He ran to the rv just as the door was slammed open and Carl jumped into his arms with a joyous cry. The twins ran to me as well and I kneeled down holding them tightly.

"Oh god, thank you so much" I prayed happy that my family was safe.

I had spoke too soon though, because I heard a scream and jumped up.

"Jim's been bit!" Jacqui yelled. But what she said next would forever be ingrained in my head. "Lincoln is bit too!"

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