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Daryl sat in the living room listening to the chaos around him. Everyone was rushing to and from, voices were raised, and Brady was still crying.

A voice rang out louder than any of the others though, “We need blood for her now! What’s her blood type? Does anyone know?”

Hershel was yelling frantically trying to save the young boy and woman’s life. He wasn’t sure he could do it, considering he was only a vet, but he was damn determined to try. He just has one problem-what was her blood type?

“It’s B negative, Mr. Hershel.” Brady’s small voice whispered and Daryl stood up with the young boy in his arms.

“He said its B negative.” Daryl said rushing into the room that Jasmine and Carl lay in. “That’s my blood type.”

Rick took Brady from Daryl’s arms and Patricia began to prep his arm for the needle. He felt the sting of the needles bite but he was determined to help the girl he cared for. He wouldn’t let her die and he damn sure wouldn’t let anyone else give her blood. She was his dammit.

“Everyone needs to leave, I have to begin the transfusion and try to see what is going on in Jasmine.” Hershel demanded and everyone but Patricia, Daryl and Lori left.

“What about my boy? He’s hurt too!” Lori yelled.

“So is Jasmine dammit. She fuckin took the bullet, your son shouldn’t have been roamin’ around. You need ta have better parentin’ skills.” Daryl roared, nearly growling at the woman. “Yer fuckin’ son is hurt yea, but she’s worse off so leave it!”

Lori looked aghast but quickly left from the room, leaving quietness in her wake.

“I hope Otis hurries up.” Patricia mumbled as Hershel sat down to begin to look at Jasmine’s wound closer.

He stuck forceps into the wound and Jasmine suddenly came alive, shooting into the air and screaming.

“Stop it! I’m burning, stop!” Jasmine screamed at the top her lungs causing Rick to run in and hold her arms down. Blood began to squirt from the wound as she thrashed.

“Yer killin her!” Daryl roared again, beginning to jump up but Patricia held him down and suddenly it went quiet as Jasmine fell back onto the bed. “Is she-“

“She just passed out. The fragment is too deep in her chest to get to without the proper tools. I think her lung may have been nicked as well. You need to stay still, she needs that blood.” Hershel said calmly, but pointed a finger at Daryl.

Daryl looked down in almost shame as he resumed his seat. He sat there watching Jasmine as the others all left the room. He must’ve sat there for hours, not noticing the needle gone from his arm or the others missing from the room. But the door slamming open finally brought him out of his stupor and he looked up as Merle raced into the room with objects in his hand.

“How is honeypouch?” He asked, outta breath. Shane followed close behind as Hershel came into the room.

“She’ll be fine if you let me do my job. Out!” Hershel said, motioning for them to leave and only Patricia and Beth to remain.

Daryl stood slowly, almost losing his balance. Merle grabbed his little brother and noticed how tired and drained he looked.

"Lets git you somethin' to drink." Merle said and he followed Daryl out to the kitchen. He sat down and Maggie handed him a glass of orange juice. Daryl just looked blankly at the glass and only began to drink when Merle pointed to it.

"She will be fine." Maggie said and then left.

Daryl shook his head and finished his drink. He got up and left for his tent to get his crossbow. Then he went out into the woods, where he could always think best.


Jasmine woke up to a pounding in her hand and a soreness under her ribs.. Her throat was dry and she didn't recognize the room she was in. She looked around and found that she was alone. Slowly coming into a sitting position, she took stock of her limbs.

Well at least I can move, now what the hell happened. She thought to herself as she stood up. She stumbled but then caught herself on the wall.

Walking out into the living room, she didn't see anyone so she proceeded into the yard. Everyone was out around their tents and no one seemed to notice her as she walked slowly towards them.

"Where's Daryl?" She asked and heads snapped in her direction.

"Jasmine!" everyone yelled and then Sophia threw herself at Jasmine.

She fell back as she caught the young girl, landing on the ground in a loud thump. Pain immediately roared to life but she ignored it as she hugged the girl back.

Merle picked Sophia off of Jasmine and grinned at her.

But Jasmine didn't see the grin. She only had eyes for the blue-eyed redneck staring from a distance.

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