One Huge Mess

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Daryl, Rick, Merle, Glenn and Shane were all tracking the bastards that had taken their women. They left their truck about a mile back and now Daryl and Merle were up front leading the group. Shane had seen the red ford focus, the same car that had taken Jasmine from Merle and Glenn nearly two weeks ago, driving past the compound again and immediately the group set out to follow them. They could see the hideout in the distance, a rickety old house that looked to be falling apart. One man stood guard outside and Daryl nodded to Merle. Daryl raised his crossbow and shot the man, watching as he slumped silently to the ground, now dead. I'm gonna get her back no matter what. She promised me dammit and I won't break my promise to her. Daryl thought, rushing into the house and stabbing men left and right.

Jasmine forced herself awake, feeling a blazing headache forming in her head making her see black spots in her vision. She looked around the barely lit room, thinking it must be a basement. Jasmine went to move her arms and found them chained to a wall. She hung her head and started to sob.

"Jasmine." A voice whispered in the darkness and Jasmine jerked her head up, looking around. She saw three huddled figures across from her, each in their own chains. Two of the girls she recognized.

"Maggie! Beth!" Jasmine exclaimed, launching herself at them, trying to break free of the chains holding her.

"Shh now, someone is upstairs. I think our group is here." Maggie whispered.

"How long have I've been here? How did you guys get here?" Jasmine asked.

Maggie then began to describe quietly that the men came into the compound after Jasmine, Merle, and Glenn left and attacked them. They took Maggie, Beth, and Michonne, but Michonne escaped, after trying to free the other two. Maggie tried to leave as well with Beth, but one man held a gun to young Beth's head and Maggie let herself be taken away. Maggie said they have been here for about two weeks.

"I was out that long!" Jasmine gasped.

"You had a concussion, they slammed your head really hard. You came in and out of consciousness a few times and then slept for about 3 days straight." Beth answered.

"What do they want with us?" Jasmine asked.

"They want to mate." Maggie said and Jasmine shook desperately.

Gunshots were heard and then men ran down the stairs. One grabbed Jasmine, while others went towards the other three women. The man holding Jasmine pulled her out and into the night.

Rick, Glenn, Merle, Shane, and Daryl all ran down the stairs, finding the three women being pulled towards the door that Jasmine and her captor just escaped from and killed the men holding them.

"Where is Jasmine!" Daryl screamed, looking desperately around.

"John took her." Maggie whispered, shaking in Glenn's arms.

Daryl dropped to his knees and held his head, openly shaking in grief.

"Come on, we will git 'er." Merle said, trying to pull Daryl back to his feet.

"She promised, Merle. She promised me." Was all Daryl could say.

"Well are ya gonna let those men hurt her? That's your woman there and she needs you Daryl." Maggie said and the words seemed to have the desired effect.

"Me and Daryl are gonna go git honeypouch. Y'all need to git back to the houses, 'case those bastards try ta git us 'gain." Merle said and everyone separated.

Rick helped the unknown woman to her feet and Glenn and Shane ushered Maggie and Beth to the truck they had left.

When Rick, Glenn, and Shane made it back to the compound, Carl was manning the gate. He opened it and no sooner had they gotten inside when they were attacked. The group ran around, trying to gather supplies and make it out safely but it was chaos. The men fired upon the group, hitting Shane in the arm and shooting Rick in the leg. Rick managed to get the people he could to safety.

Michonne, Jacob, and Glenn were running in one direction, the only things they had was the pack Jacob had managed to grab and a few weapons. Rick, Carl, Herschel, and Michelle (Previously the unknown girl) ran another way, only weapons with them. Beth, Shane, and Lori were trying to find safety together. Maggie was running alone, as was Emmett.

Merle and Daryl heard the gunshots and immediately ran back to the compound, not seeing the others fleeing. The place was in shambles and smoke filled the air.

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