Prison Life

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Jasmine finally felt content as she opened her eyes and saw that Daryl had stayed with her throughout the night. She smiled and ran her hand through his hair, which in turn had him wake up and look at her, a similar grin on his handsome face.

“I can’t believe it.” Jasmine whispered as she stared at the man she had thought she lost, but never gave up on.

“Emmett said he had met ye after our place was attacked. He left ya because ye were looking for me,” Daryl admitted, “I about killed him when he told me.”

“He didn’t want to come with me. Thought it was a lost cause.” Jasmine said, shrugging. Then she noticed the smell coming off her. “Can I please get a shower or something?”

Daryl smiled and stood up. “Come on darlin’.”

Jasmine stood up slowly and followed him down the stairs, it was barely light out and no one was awake to watch the pair steal off towards the showers.

Daryl showed her where everything was but was shocked when she asked him to stay. Jasmine quickly stripped and stood under the water, Daryl following soon behind. Jasmine started to cry silent happy tears at the feeling she felt of finally being able to get clean. Daryl wrapped her up in his arms and they stood together under the spray, the occasional giggle erupting from Jasmine. Daryl helped her to wash her long hair and she in turn helped him to wash his and ran body wash down his back and front. Jasmine then washed herself off.

When Daryl reached out for a towel after turning the water off, Jasmine became self-conscious. She hadn’t noticed how small and skinny she had gotten and it made her sick to her stomach. These feelings must have shown on her face because when Daryl turned to give her a towel, he looked at her face and questioned what was wrong.

“How can you stand the sight of me? I’m all skin and bones. I look like a walker myself.” Jasmine demanded quietly, quickly covering herself up.

Daryl scoffed at her, “Right now, all I’m worried ‘bout is finally being with tha woman I love after bein’ away from ‘er for so long. No matter how skinny or fat ye get, I’ll still look at ye the same way. Yer beautiful ta me, so shut the hell up wit that nonsense, woman.”

Jasmine stayed silent and softly padded after him back to her cell. There was a pile of clean clothes sitting on her bed and she slowly put them on, being careful of the various cuts and bruises she had after being on her own for so long. She then pulled her hair up in a bun and allowed a few pieces to escape so they could frame her face.

Jasmine’s stomach rumbled loud enough for Daryl to hear from his position on the bed. He had already gotten dressed, so he stood and grabbed her hand, leading her downstairs to the table they ate at. Daryl then quickly made her some oatmeal and grabbed a can of peaches, opening them and handing them both to her.

“Ye need to eat. Ya been sleepin’ for two days and haven’t had a bite of anythin’.” Daryl told her, making Jasmine pick up the spoon and quickly devour her food. She didn’t know that she had been asleep for that long but was thankful for the food.

After eating, Jasmine then met the other group that hers had taken in. There was now about sixty people all living in the prison. Some people were friendly to her, while others outright ignored her. Jasmine didn’t let it get to her though, allowing herself to be happy seeing that Brady and Bentley had been safe and happy here. Carl and Sophia and two other little girls ran around playing. Altogether, there was about thirteen children here and they all seemed happy and carefree.

A few days after Jasmine had gotten settled, she was beginning to get into the swing of things. It was still kind of awkward to be around Daryl now after the little breakdown she had had two days after the shower incident.

“You don’t really love me Daryl! That’s why you didn’t even look for me! You’ve had some whore here catering to your every whim!” Jasmine yelled after seeing that woman, Anna, all over Daryl in the courtyard.

“Ye don’t know what yer talkin’ about! I never touched ‘er!” He roared back, angry that she would say something that stupid. “Yer bein’ stupid!”

“So now I’m stupid? I’ve seen the way she looks at you! How she touches you. No wonder you barely look at me, I’m scrawny and she has enough ass and tits for the both of us! I spent six fuckin’ months looking for you while you’ve been here livin out your damn life! Fuck you Daryl Dixon!”

Daryl and Jasmine barely spoke after that fight, only to send smoldering glances at each other and leave the room when the other would enter. Anna was still all over Daryl and he did nothing to stop her.

Jasmine slept alone each night, not bothering to look at the man who slept on the perch a few feet outside of her door. She had nothing to say to him at the moment.

When Jasmine finally fell asleep, she felt like the next second she was awoken to screams. She rushed out of bed, not bothering to put her boots on and ran down the stairs, following Rick towards the sounds of the problem.

They emerged into cell block B and found that walkers were attacking the inhabitants. Jasmine grabbed every living person she could find that had no visible bite marks and ushered them out into the courtyard. She went back in and saw a walker about to get Daryl, so she threw a knife at the walker and watched him sink to the ground, finally dead. Daryl turned and saw that Jasmine had saved his life and he nodded to her. Daryl then charged up the stairs and killed the remaining walkers as Jasmine retrieved her knife and killed another one that was chewing on a young girl.

Jasmine then helped a woman who looked a hell of a lot like Carol, to bring the bodies to the center of the cell block.

“I’m sorry but you remind me of someone.” Jasmine said, grabbing onto the woman’s shoulder. As she turned her around, she noticed that it was, in fact, Carol. “Carol? How—“

“Jasmine! I haven’t gotten the time to see you yet, but I’m so glad you’re okay.” Carol exclaimed as she threw her arms around the younger woman.

“But I saw you go down the night that the farm got taken over.” Jasmine said, shell shocked.

“I did go down and they nearly got me, but I got away. I met up with Rick and Daryl and the group again when they found this place.”

“I saw you getting bitten though.” Jasmine said, trying to make sense of what had happened.

“No, I never got bit.” Carol said and then walked off to continue grabbing bodies.

Jasmine ran her hand through her hair and closed her eyes for a second. She thought she had seen Carol get bitten, but she had been wrong. What if she was going insane?

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