Dear Daddy

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January 26th

Dear Daddy,

I love you.

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

I grabbed my letter and ran out of my room to find mummy. I ran into the kitchen and found her cooking dinner. I tugged on her hand and she bent down to my level.

"Hey pumpkin, is the letter to daddy done?" I nod my head and pass her the letter. She reads it before placing it in an envelope and writing down an address.

We walk outside and place it into the letterbox. Once we are back inside, mummy and I sit down on the lounge in silence. I look up and stare into her eyes.

"Do you think daddy ever thinks about us?"

"I honestly don't know" mum replies with tears streaming down her face. I frown and wipe them away with my thumb.

"I may be four, but I am not dumb! I can tell when you're sad mummy!" I say with a serious face making mummy laugh, I join shortly after.

"Come on, I think dinners ready" mummy says before picking me up and placing me on a dining chair. She walks into the kitchen and a few minutes later returns with 2 plates. She places one in front of me and one opposite me. She sits down in the chair opposite me and we begin to eat.

"Thank you mummy" I say with a smile before I begin to eat my food.

"Alright I'll clean the dishes and you go get ready for bed" Mummy says after dinner.

I jump off my chair and run to the bathroom. I have a shower and put on my elmo onesie. I brush my teeth and run into my room. Mummy comes in and sits next to me on my bed.

"What does daddy look like and what's his name?"

"Daddy looked exactly like you. He had brown curly hair and beautiful green eyes. He is 20 just like me. His name is Harry. Babe, write to your daddy all you like, but he probably won't reply. Daddy's famous and doesn't have time for us" mummy said with a sad smile.

"I don't care that daddy's famous, I'm going to write anyways!" I say with a big smile.

"Goodnight" mummy says as she closes the door and leaves me alone in my room with just my thoughts.

'I wonder if he thinks about me' was the last thing that came to mind before I drifted off to sleep.

*Harry's POV*

I open my eyes and sit up staring at the bedroom door. A loud sound coming from the kitchen caused me to run towards the sound. As I near the kitchen I slow down and peak my head around the corner to see Niall with 2 pans around him. I sigh and walk into the kitchen.

"Niall, what are you doing?" he turns slowly and faces me.

"I wanted to make you and the lads breakfast and I dropped the pans" he explained.

"Let me help you" I say with a sigh before a small smile appears on my face.

I get out the bacon, eggs, sausages and toast. As Niall and I start to finish cooking, Louis enters the kitchen and makes everyone a tea. By the time he finishes, the food is done and we decide to wake up the others.

I walk into Liam's room and lie down next to his bed. I hit him in the face then roll to the other side. I do this 2 more times before he finally realizes what's going on and grabs my hand. We walk out to see the rest of the lads already eating. I sit down and begin to eat too.

After breakfast, we all sit down and watch a movie. At around midday, everyone leaves saying they have stuff to do leaving me in the flat alone. I sigh and walk out to the mail box.

"Liam, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Niall, me" I mumble as I search through the letters. I take them back I side and open the one addressed to me.

'January 26th

Dear Daddy,

I love you.

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️'

Shocked, I read it multiple times before I process it. Amelia's daughter. My daughter. I had completely forgotten about them. I got my girlfriend pregnant at 16 and when she told me I freaked out and dumped her. Four years later and here I am, famous and in a boy band. No one knows about her and I plan on keeping it that way.

I grab the note and run to my room. I search through the wardrobe and find a shoebox. I place the letter in there and hide it under some clothes. I make a metal note to remember to place all notes I get in there. Just as I close the wardrobe door I hear the front door slam shut. I sigh in relief before making my way to the lounge room.



New shared book! Follow both writers Natasha9783 and RandomGem2012

Hope you guys enjoy and we promise to keep updating our books too!

I don't keno about grace but I have some chapters that are nearly done for my other books!

Anyways tell your friends and family!

Love you all!


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