Chapter 10

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A/N- Holmes Chapel Primary School IS a real school, but I am an Australian so I don't go there. There will be bad words put in there about the school so don't take offence if you go there, Gracie xx

4th February

Dear daddy,

I started school yesterday, right after I wrote the last letter to you. I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. I'm going to Holmes Chapel Primary School, that's near where you went to school, right daddy?

My teacher is Mrs McKarol. She isn't very nice and yells at me a lot. That makes the kids laugh and tease me. One boy who is in grade 1 pushed me, so now I have cuts on my hands and knees. I wish you could tell those mean kids to go away.

Tomorrow is when mummies and daddies come in to take the kids they want. Miss Donya, the office lady, said I would probably be picked, because I'm little. But I don't want to be picked, I want to wait for you because you'll be here soon, right daddy?

Maybe I can just have a temporary mummy and daddy so then I can leave them when you come. I can't wait to see you! Do you still love mummy even though she isn't here anymore. I do. Is that okay to love someone who is gone?

I love you daddy,

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

I folded the white, slightly crinkled page in half before folding it in half again. I ran up and got an envelope and stamp from Miss Donya before stumbling up the stairs to my shared room. When I reached my bed, I realised that my letter wasn't in the spot that I left it but in the hands of my room mate's, Hannah. Hannah had blond hair with dull blue orbs that didn't sparkle, even in the sunlight!

Mummy said that people who had eyes that didn't sparkle had mean hearts and that they had no real life or joy in them. Well I think that Hannah has a mean heart.

She unfolded my paper and read the first part, well as much as she could because she wasn't very bright.

Her obnoxious snickers filled the room before her icy eyes met mine, amusement shining though them.

Both of her deathly pale hands gripped the top of the letter before the tugged one down.

A small gasp left my lips as the tearing sound hung in the room. It continued as I watched 7 pieces of paper flutter to the ground.

"My letter!" I shrieked before running downstairs in search of duct tape.

Small sobs escaped my lips as I ran through the office, frantically lifting up adoption sheets and billing issues in order to find the tape.

When I returned to my room, Hannah was no longer there but in her place were more torn up pieces of my envelope.

I don't think I like this place much anymore.


Harry's POV

4th February

Dear daddy,

I started school yesterday, right after I wrote the last letter to you. I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. I'm going to Holmes Chapel Primary School, that's near where you went to school, right daddy?

My teacher is Mrs McKarol. She isn't very nice and yells at me a lot. That makes the kids laugh and tease me. One boy who is in grade 1 pushed me, so now I have cuts on my hands and knees. I wish you could tell those mean kids to go away.

Tomorrow is when mummies and daddies come in to take up. Miss Donya, the office lady, said I would probably be picked, because I'm little. But I don't want to be picked, I want to wait for you because you'll be here soon, right daddy?

Maybe I can just have a temporary mummy and daddy so then I can leave them when you come. I can't wait to see you! Do you still love mummy even though she isn't here anymore. I do. Is that okay to love someone who is gone?

I love you daddy,

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

P.S- Hannah tore up my letter

Everything was ripped and messily stuck with tape, almost to a stage where you couldn't read the words the tape had stuck together. Some letters were smudged together in small dried out puddles of tears.

Who was this 1st grade boy and Hannah? They were making school and the foster centre miserable for my baby girl!

I groaned and placed my head in my hands. The messy overgrown curls became tangled around my finger as I weighed out my options.

a) I could visit her weekly in the foster centre or guardians home

b) I could write back

c) I could pick her up and live as a family

d) I could leave her and read her painful letters

I decided with the last option because I am a low life scumbag who is to selfish and wrapped up in my own life.

You see? I couldn't be a good father even if I tried. Why do I even bother considering in? It's just adding more pressure and stress to my life.

I just can't help her.


Hey guys.

Tash is editing MWHAHAHA!

Am I the only one who is sad? Hannah's a bitch. A bitchy 6 year old. Great.

Harry you are such a wimp, seriously! Your daughter is suffering out there and your worried about yourself.

Love you my lovely groupies!

Gracie xx

P.S - New Cover, yay or nay?

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