Chapter 9

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3rd February

Dear daddy,

Rebecca said we could have lived happily ever after together but you are a 'prick', whatever that is. So she sent me to a building. It's nice here. I like it, lots of colours and kids my age everywhere. Rebecca said a better daddy will come and get me, but I don't want him. I want you. She also said I would get a new mummy, but no one can ever replace her. I just wish I could live with you forever and ever. Maybe one day you can come and visit?

Daddy, I'm scared for Braydon. Did I ever tell you about him? He is my best friend from the hospital. He is there because he has no hair! I told him I was leaving but we could always visit each other. He told me that we couldn't because he was leaving and I asked where. He only said 'up' before pointing to the sky outside his window. What does he mean daddy?

I love you daddy,

Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

This was the last letter I could give to Rebecca to deliver, then the lady in the office had to do it.

"I'll miss you Becky" I whispered in Rebecca's ear as I was brought into a big bear hug. My legs wrapped around her waist as I clung to her, my tears dropped onto her blue uniform.

"I'll miss you too Bella Boo" she replied, her voice was croaky from holding back tears.

Tears unwillingly formed puddles in my eyes, causing my vision to blur until I could no longer see.

"Can you keep trying to get my daddy?" I asked her quietly, my voice quavering.

"Yes"she replied stiffly, not sounding very convincing.

"Promise me" I commanded her.

Her eyes shone with guilt as she shook her head, standing up and stepping away from me.

Anger bubbled up inside of me. Doesn't she want me to be happy? Doesn't she want me to have a daddy?

"Promise me!" I screamed at her. When she remained silent, I turned and stomped up the carpeted staircase.

"Bella!" She yelped, trying to follow me up the stairs.

I reached my new room and went to slam the door. Just before it slammed shut, a yell was heard from downstairs.

"I'm sorry!" Rebecca still didn't promise me.


Harry's POV

3rd February

Dear daddy,

Rebecca said we could have lived happily ever after together but you are a 'prick', whatever that is. So she sent me to a building. It's nice here. I like it, lots of colours and kids my age everywhere. Rebecca said a better daddy will come and get me, but I don't want him. I want you.

I stopped reading the letter and let a sob escape my lips. I never cried, well rarely. I didn't want my child, but I wanted her to be loved. I wanted her to be safe and feel safe and she wouldn't get that with me. I took a deep breath and rubbed my face before continuing.

She also said I would get a new mummy, but no one can ever replace her. I just wish I could live with you forever and ever. Maybe one day you can come and visit?

Daddy, I'm scared for Braydon. Did I ever tell you about him? He is my best friend from the hospital. He is there because he has no hair! I told him I was leaving but we could always visit each other. He told me that we couldn't because he was leaving and I asked where. He only said 'up' before pointing to the sky outside his window. What does he mean daddy?

I love you daddy,

Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

I just couldn't do this anymore. I needed to tell someone! But it can't just be anyone, only someone I trust with my life.

"Louis!" I hollered from my king sized bed. His loud footsteps were heard outside my bedroom door.

"Yeah mate? Have you been crying? Is that hate mail?" He frowned, stepping closer towards me, firing every question possible. I handing him the note to read. His eyes skimmed the page before he looked up towards me.

"So you think you have a daughter?" He asked, laughter danced before his tone.

"No, I know I have a daughter" I told him.

He threw his head back, his laughter ran around my room. He leant across and patted me on the back.

"Good one mate, next time do it to Liam but introduce him to a little girl, not a letter. He would freak out! Got to get back to El, we are on Skype" he advised before skipping away chuckling.

I should have known that he wouldn't take me seriously. None of the boys would have.

What on earth am I going to do?


Hey guys, Gracie here.

I was reading through all of our chapters so far and found that I was meant to be calling you my 'groupies'. Well it is fair to say that that didn't happen!

Tash and I have a fogyish but clear on how the story will turn out so the chapters should be coming soonish.

Easter is nearly here! So happy EARLY Easter incase I don't have a chapter to post before then.

Bye groupies!




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