Chapter 15

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23rd February

Dear Daddy,

Troy makes me sleep on the floor in the basement. There is another girl here called Crystal. She's 13 but has her own room. I haven't eaten since the food on the floor incident. There's a slight hole in the wall. I can fit my hand through and then when the mailman comes he takes it. He didn't suspect anything yesterday. He gave me a small torch that I hide. I dont think he actually cares about me. Troy hit me daddy. He hit me right in the eye. I didn't obey his rules.

1. Only speak when Troy speaks to you.

2. When given something always reply with please and thank you.

3. Do everything he says otherwise there is consequences.

4. Don't try and sneak food.

5. No fighting back.

6. Do not leave your room unless Troy asks you too.

7. And absolutely don't attempt to leave the house.

I didn't listen to numbers 4 and 6. He left the basement door unlocked so I tried to sneak some food but he caught me. My right eye is swollen now. It hurts really bad daddy. I forget to tell you but Braydon went to heaven. You might have already known but he's gone. My only friend is gone. I wonder if he's watching over me. Will I ever get out of this horrid place daddy?

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

I do my usual routine and squeeze the letter through the hole leaving it on the ground under a small rock to make sure it doesn't fly away. I see the mailman come and take my letter. He pushes something through the hole. I thank him and he runs off. I run to the hole and see a small portion of lollies. I eat them quickly and sit in the darkness.

I hear the door open and I sit up quickly and quietly. Troy storms down the stairs and begins to kick and hit me. I smell alcohol. Every new blow makes me scream out in pain as tears run down my face.

Once he is satisfied he leaves me on the floor broken and bruised. He storms back up stairs and shuts the door violently. My thoughts become jumbled and my eyes start to close. I hear screams coming from upstairs.

"Crystal" I whisper before darkness consumes me.

*Harry's POV*

23rd February

Dear Daddy,

Troy makes me sleep on the floor in the basement. There is another girl here called Crystal. She's 13 but has her own room. I haven't eaten since the food on the floor incident. There's a slight hole in the wall. I can fit my hand through and then when the mailman comes he takes it. He didn't suspect anything yesterday. He gave me a small torch that I hide. I dont think he actually cares about me. Troy hit me daddy. He hit me right in the eye. I didn't obey his rules.

1. Only speak when Troy speaks to you.

2. When given something always reply with please and thank you.

3. Do everything he says otherwise there is consequences.

4. Don't try and sneak food.

5. No fighting back.

6. Do not leave your room unless Troy asks you too.

7. And absolutely don't attempt to leave the house.

I didn't listen to number 4 and 6 he left the basement door unlocked so I tried to sneak some food but he caught me. My right eye is swollen now. It hurts really bad daddy. I forget to tell you but Braydon went to heaven. You might have already known but he's gone. My only friend is gone. I wonder if he's watching over me. Will I ever get out of this horrid place daddy?

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

My heart shatters and I break into sobs. My baby girl is being abused. I can't do anything. I'm a terrible father. I've given up all hope of finding her. Liam tells me to be strong and that we can find her but I know we can't.

Either way I could bring myself to put Bella into this world. The world where fame and money is everything. I couldn't live with myself knowing that she was getting hate. But even now, I know it would be better then where she is right now.

I hear a knock on the front door and I walk sadly towards it, head down and tears in my eyes. I open it and all of the boys walk in. Liam's the only one who knows. They all sit on the lounge and I slowly trudge over and stand I front of them all. I sigh and lift my head. I see their eyes go wide.

"Have you been crying?" Louis asks with concern. I nod slowly and they all sigh sadly.

"Is it the hate?" I shake my head.

"What's wrong mate" Niall's eyes fill with tears as do mine.

"Boys I've been keeping something from all of you. I have a daughter who is 5. When I was 16 I got my girlfriend pregnant. When she told me I flipped shit and dumped her. She was born on the 31st of January" I say.

"The day before your birthday" I hear Louis whisper.

"I started to get letters from her. I told Louis but he didn't believe me and thought it was a joke. It really wasn't. I got the first letter on the 26th of January" I pass them the letters in order.

"Did you guys hear about the lady who had a crash with her daughter and the mother died?" They nodded their head so I continued.

"That was Amelia my ex-girlfriend. My daughters name is Bella Rose Murray-Styles. Liam and I went to the adoption centre yesterday to get her but when I got there, she was already taken. She's being abused by this guy and I can't do anything" I sob and don't dare to look up. Suddenly I feel my body being surrounded. I look up and see all the lads hugging me.

"It's alright Haz. We will get throughout his together" Lou says. When we pull apart I see tears running down all their faces.

"Guys do you remember when we went out to that Italian restaurant a few weeks ago? Well do you remember that little girl with the green eyes and brown curly hair? That was her. That was my daughter" I pass Zayn the photo of Amelia and Bella. He studies it carefully before passing it down the line.

"She looks exactly like you Harry" I hear Niall say quietly. All the boys agree.

"What am I going to do?" I whisper


Hey this was meant to be uploaded way earlier but I got side tracked!

Anyways I'm not even going to bother saying it's not edited anymore.

I'm hoping to update a lot this week before I have to go back to school.

It's kind of short but oh well!

Where are you guys from? Grace and I are from Australia.

Any one from somewhere else?

Love you guys xx


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